Week 50, Lesson 342-348, ACIM WB Practice Group 12/14/23

1 year ago

✨Thursday Night Workbook Practice Group Zoom, 12/14/23✨
An overview, deepening and discussion of Workbook lessons 342-348.

13. What Is a Miracle? [CE W-WI.13:1]

342. I let forgiveness rest upon all things, for thus forgiveness will be given me. [CE W-342:1]

343. I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God. [CE W-343:1]

344. Today I learn the law of love: that what I give my brother is my gift to me. [CE W-344:1]

345. I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me. [CE W-345:1]

346. Today the peace of God envelops me, and I forget all things except His love. [CE W-346:1]

347. Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself to keep the miracle away from me. [CE W-347:1]

348. I have no cause for anger or for fear, for You surround me. And in every need that I perceive Your grace suffices me. [CE W-348:1]

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