LR Podcast: The Subjective Morality of the Left

1 year ago

Liberty Relearned is about not just relating interesting news stories to the audience, but also exploring the conservative/libertarian principles at play in each story. Hopefully, you've gotten a chance to listen to or watch parts one and two of my two-part look at Israel in a post-Hamas world. Rather than make this "Part III" of the series, I've decided to do this episode as a kind of appendix to parts one and two. I want to do more than just tell you that Hamas and their supporters are evil, I want to explain what makes them evil, or if you prefer, "differently moraled".
Until next time,
Stay healthy, happy, and free!
-JP Mac
Source quoted:
⁠'Genocide Joe:' Pro-Palestinian protestors vandalize buildings in Los Angeles during Biden visit | Just The News

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