Corbyn bashing Labour MP is now a full time paid lobbyist for Israel.

9 months ago

Former Labour MP Joan Ryan is now a full paid advocate for Israeli interests & has released a begging for funding Corbyn bashing vid!
Right, so the moral vacuum that is former Labour MP and career Israel lobbyist Joan Ryan has popped up again announcing her brand new role, which has to be heard to be believed, it’s utterly bonkers, which is very much the same as her entire parliamentary career, which consisted of advocating for Israel full-time in any way she possibly could, though it’s a strange time to be announcing this when the public opinion of Israel is so low and when it’s so easy for someone in alternative media like me to come along and go Oh, is this what Joan Ryan is doing is it? Be a shame if I told everyone what she’s got up to in the past and how deranged her announcement about her new job, on video, actually sounds because it isn’t just about trying to extol the virtues of her job, the organisation she’s now working for, but she had to drag Corbyn into the equation as well, she couldn’t resist it, slandering him, repeating the scam of how much of an antisemite he was when he was no such thing and rather than pay any heed, let alone money to this grifter for an apartheid state, she needs to be told where to go and be consigned to the dumpster of history.
Right, so Joan Ryan, let’s refresh some memories for some people and introduce her to others who might not know who she is, because she is a proper piece of work. She is the former Labour MP for Enfield North from 1997 to 2019, barring one occurrence of losing her seat in 2010. She lost her seat incidentally, following an expenses scandal involving flipping her constituency home in Enfield for her main home in South London after using expenses to do up the constituency property, and also the year before that conspiring against then PM Gordon Brown seemingly with leadership intentions herself, which got her sacked from her then party roles. Despite losing in 2010, she stood again for 2015 to the disgust of the local Enfield Labour Party, who hadn’t forgotten about the expenses, but she got in, got re-elected and became Chair of Labour Friends of Israel shortly after which of course speaks volumes for her Israeli sensitivities in and of itself. It’s worth noting that like so many others in volved in that group and in Israel advocacy and lobbying, she’s not Jewish.
Scandal again followed shortly afterwards when in 2017 she got caught on film appearing to accept bribes for supporting the bringing down of certain MPs it was felt were not helpful to the Israeli cause, in the Al-Jazeera documentary The Lobby, which was collated through use of undercover footage, bodycams and the like to investigate the influence of the Israel Lobby on British politics. Joan Ryan was a star of the show, seen discussing the bringing down of MPs with a then Israeli embassy official called Shai Masot and a £1m pot of approved Israeli government funding to bring UK lawmakers on junkets to Israel.
This was used by her CLP to try and deselect her ahead of the 2019 General Election, she quit the Labour Party in 2019 over this in reality, but instead chose to publicly blame Jeremy Corbyn for it, claiming he was demonising and delegitimising Israel.

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