Are Personal Water Filtration Systems Safe and Effective? (Answered)

1 year ago
There are many personal water filtration systems on the market that are designed for the trail. So when you are in the process of buying one, it may be tough to decide. With products of this type, it is about trust, and this is similar to buying a climbing carabiner or a rope.

The point is, your life may be at risk. This is why it is essential to do a thorough research. Note that you cannot rely much on users reports, they cannot know if their purifiers remove micro-organisms.

Bear in mind also that EPA and similar national organizations do not police portable water filters and purifiers that are on the market. In other words, there is no guarantee that such a product will actually protect you. Eventual lab testing that you may see provided by a brand is on a voluntary basis, and even such tests may not be full tests.

So what you can do? Here are some tips:

Try to find proofs of independent laboratory testing.
Make sure that you buy a product from a highly respected brand.
Choose a product that can remove even viruses.
Choose a product with integrated adsorptive and absorptive technology.
If you choose wisely, then the answer on the question in the title is yes, personal water filtration systems may be safe and effective.

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