Is it Typical FBI Practice to Tip Off the Subject of a Search Warrant Before the Search Warrant?

9 months ago

This Exchange Between Senator Ted Cruz & FBI Director Christopher Wray Makes It Clear That The Department Of Justice & FBI Worked Together To Ensure Joe Biden Was Off Limits From Any & All Investigations

“The truth when he said I have pledged not to interfere with a Hunter Biden investigation, and I have carried through on my pledge.”

Wray “Again, I can't speak to the attorney general's testimony. I can only tell you what my instructions have been to our people”

“Were the investigators allowed to investigate whether Joe Biden was complicit in the corruption?”

Wray “Again, there is an ongoing investigation being led.”

Cruz “From DOJ. Were they allowed to investigate Joe Biden, or is the whistleblower telling the truth that DOJ said Joe Biden's off limits. No questions about the big guy?”

Wray “And as to what is in scope or not in scope of the ongoing investigation, I would refer you to special counsel Weisz. That is not me hiding behind anything, the senator. That is a long standing policy that has been in place through multiple administrations going back years years years. Responsibility to the FBI Not to allow it to be a partisan tool and a partisan weapon.

— Cruz “Have you opened an investigation into whether the attorney general lied under oath to congress and whether the attorney general obstructed justice?”

Wray “I'm not gonna go down that road here.”

Cruz “I know you're not. That's the point. Nobody thinks you've opened an investigation because you're not willing to. The The whistleblower testified that investigators wanted to execute a search warrant on a storage unit used by Hunter Biden, it. And instead, they tipped off Hunter Biden's lawyer before the search warrant was carried out.

Is it typical FBI practice to tip-off the subject of a search warrant before the search warrant so they can remove any evidence that's incriminating?”

— Does the protective detail detail. Does the protective detail guard the the storage unit?

Wray “Again, I can't speak to the storage unit specifically”

— Cruz “You're not nobody answers these questions, and it's why People are furious with a cover up because you don't believe the FBI is accountable to congress or to the American people”

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