Starmer’s opinion of Thatcher depends on who’s vote he’s after.

6 months ago

Keir Starmer's Scottish excursion has seen him veer from praising Thatcher to Tory voters, to hating her in front of Labour ones.
Right so Keir Starmer’s trip to Scotland got off to the start the charlatan deserved, after his Thatcher moment, his love in regardintg her when he was chasing Tory votes, but up in Scotland it clearly all seems to ber about who’s vote he’s after. Scotland greeted him as he deserved though didn’t it? Facing direct questions from the public shouldn’t scare you, but terrify Starmer it definitely did, from questions on a train from another passenger, seeing his heavies bundling the guy away, to the heavies bundling him through a Glasgow train station, to his heavies barging through protesters with a range rover, it speaks volumes for the politics of the man that this is how ordinary people react to his presence and his weathervane brand of politics. I’d like to think it shocked him, but it hasn’t changed his ways as of course he brought to Scotland, something he never leaves home without and that is both of his two faces. Starmer headed to Scotland on the back of praising Margaret Thatcher and got a reception to match, Thatcher is hated for what she did to Scotland. Whether it is just for their benefit and their votes though, or a desire to get out of Scotland again without confrontation, Starmer all of a sudden started hating on Thatcher once he was there. You simply cannot believe anything the man says or does.
Right, so here’s the thing I don’t fathom with Keir Starmer. Saying one thing to one lot of people to win their votes and saying the total opposite to another to win their votes – does he think nobody notices? Why does he think he can get away with lying like he does, so blatantly, so publicly and leave people with no idea of what he stands for? I can’t wait for the next Labour manifesto to come out, people will start taking bets on how much of it will either get binned or get denied by Starmer during the election campaign because who can possibly believe any of it anyway, when this man flip flops and literally anything? He has no hard and fast position on a damn thing it seems, unless it’s something delivering money to Labour Party coffers, such as the Israel lobby, so many of his donors connected with that and he of course that Zionist without qualification. But Scotland is what this video is about and Starmer once more switching faces to address the people there with more of his lies, more of his promises that he won’t keep and in order to pretend that he’s on their side and that very much started by flipping on his adoration of Thatcher the Milk Snatcher, despite having gone to the Torygraph, behind a paywall and talking about the meaningful change she had brought and unlocking the UK’s natural entrepreneurism, extolling what he reckons passed for her virtues. Newsflash, she had none.
This week however, it wasn’t Tory voters he was wooing, there aren’t that many in Scotland overall, so he changed tack and changed face!
He was speaking to Scottish Labour members at a gala dinner, so not one for the ordinary, yet still he was asked if he was a Thatcher fan, to which now he said...

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