The West’s Slow March To Suicide

9 months ago

Europe is impossible to save without a bloodbath.

If western European Judeo-Christian culture is replaced in Europe, we will have to fight that what replaces it.

Both here and in Europe, I believe that it is undeniable that ground zero for our present crisis is higher education.

Yes, our Government institutions must be sanitized. The reason for that is that our universities are turning out graduates inculcated with hatred for western nations and culture and counter to freedom and capitalism.

We have to overturn and obliterate the academic apple cart. To begin, outlaw all foreign contributions to American colleges.
We don’t need money from Qatar financing a Chair at Yale. No more students from China or Middle East nations. Tax endowments. Implement compulsory college course on American History and Civics—and make sure it emphasizes and promotes American Exceptionalism.

The time for us to address American rot is fast running out, and without profound change, we will become Europe.

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