ag has a less helping the elite approach

6 months ago

i forget how nice it is to perform
i never release enough
i benefit from your benefit
doin what's most unnatural to me...socializing
i tried to be social when i was younger, yikes
what the fuck is in my harr
outta place in a public place
go get high n then leave
so proud that i've done this more than i haven't
i've hung out w/ a dog for hours
i read the Psalms to my friend's goats and they lied down
i know i was sitting in goat shit, yawl think i'd care about that
ratchet trashville degenerate i know
sometimes i will comment but i will like mean comments n give you a big ole heart
semi-valid criticism i'm sure
since that scolding i have not texted while driving
i can set my phone right here doesn't that just look so cool
before smartphones took over the world...
it looks pretty cool from a distance
the iphone IS the matrix you turds
not gay socks tho, thank you mom
i am thinking of one specific person who would wear them religiously
gays ruined the damn rainbow
my gays wouldn't be wearing the rainbow no way
one rainbow sock maybe?
you have the receipts so...
i suck at lying n can't fake enthusiasm
it would be like me to assume that somebody broke into my car n stole these silly ass socks
you know that we already mismatch socks
super dorky so right up my alley
wonder's a wonder that women are taken seriously
ag is the only super hero woman damnit
when i was nervously awaiting stage time tonight
i did these posters for my church for a widow fund
schizo power...that's just the best
keep us o God by thy grace
give us this day our daily bread
lead us not into tempatation
50 cents or $5
am i selling myself short, i'm just not in the biz of making $
it's kinda sorta work maybe
i'm supposed to do these msgs
i'm not right all becuz i believe in the Holy Trinity
white light, white heat
when i started i was just using those glittery posters, now i have branched out
gonna try to do more religious posters
if you don't believe in religion then you probably find it gross
it's not for you secular one, not everything is about you
i impulsively bought these metallic posters thinkin i was gonna do sumin but i dunno what
i don't sell em cos i still use em in bits
autism power? try sayin this shit n not freakin everybody out
imma explain the explanation
more dumb artist moves
i love sarah so much for saying this
people are afraid of what i'm about
they couldn't wait to change that subject
i never mean anything maliciously
maybe if i wanna get shot i'll do that poster
guess the drugs...
there are so many points to these posters
everything is a psych op it's depressing but also kinda funny if you look at it right
that sentence is way too long
this is why movements work on these mfs
i had to type it all out so...
it was not even politically incorrect, it was in the cafe coco bathroom
i probably am shadow banned
empathy is very misunderstood here
magical thinking is awesome
these are my accurate assessments
scratch that eye bitch!
technology is controlling their every move
tinder worked out for kyler tho
who am i just some lonely cat ladeh that takes pride in it
the west is getting darker n darker every day
ag's honest evaluation of her "art"
why would people wanna buy this shit
it doesn't take precision, it's just simple shit
women obsess about details, i can't cos it slows me down
i gotta get shit done tho man
i tried to incorporate the Divine Liturgy "lyrics"
he's old skool is all, a lotta boomers don't like swear words
can you imagine people getting mad about the language that you use
i understand but i still think it's dumb
i can still wake up every day n try
the meaninglessness is still all we have, so we must make it what we want it to be *read Ecclesiastes!
i dunno about reincarnation
i almost enjoy admitting when i'm wrong
if i'm at fault during an accident i admit fault immediately
i tend to do the opposite of the modern world
i have never felt much like a girl
ag says more in 5min than most comics say in a whole hr long comedy special (in today's world mind you, not the seventies)
i've been waiting my whole life for 5min of stage time
changing the devil's mind
material possessions possess you
twist it, i am so good at this
my bishop told me that i'm not possessed
gonna talk about this next time...

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