Men are from Mars Women are from Venus by John Grey - Part 2

1 year ago

Dr. John Gray in the book Men from Mars and Women from Venus provides us with innovative ideas in the field of human relations between men and women, as this book is one of the most important and most famous books in understanding the opposite sex, as Dr. John begins his book with the assumption that men were living on the planet Mars, while women were living on the planet Venus, and one day men were looking through their binoculars and discovered the people of Venus, which awakened feelings and emotions they had never felt, and quickly the men invented spaceships and flew to Venus. The Venusians welcomed the Martians, as they knew that this day would come, and hearts were wide open to a love they had never felt before. The Martians and the Venusians were very happy to be together, as the love between them was magical, even though they were from different worlds and far apart planets. The Martians and Venusians spent many months learning and exploring the needs, preferences and patterns of the opposite sex, as they found their differences very enjoyable, and lived with each other in love and happiness. After that, the Martians and the Venusians decided to travel to the planet earth, as they heard about its beauty and charm, and when they reached it, the earth's atmosphere affected them. One morning, men and women suffered from selective amnesia, as they forgot that they came from different worlds, and each gender has different characteristics, needs and traits, and from that day the conflict started between men and women.
Bit to remember: Men and women are from far apart worlds, with different natures, characteristics and behaviours.

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