10 Tips to Sleep BETTER (Anyone Can do THIS)

1 year ago

Here are 10 tips to help you sleep better.
1. Sleep in a room with colder temperature.
There are also bed sheets to reduce the heat retention of your bed.
2. Don't drink too much water before bed.
3. Don't eat 4 hours before bed, especially Sugar or Caffeine.
4. Avoid bright lights before bed. TV, Phone Screen, etc.
5. Use Blue Light blocking glasses after the sun goes down
if you plan to watch TV or use your devices.
6. Use Night Mode on your Phone and Computer (F.lux)
7. Turn off your TV, Tape up LED lights in your room, and
use Blackout curtains to sleep in a pitch black room.
8. Use dim light bulbs instead of Bright light bulbs when the sun goes down.
9. Write down problems to worry about tomorrow.
10. Don't drink any caffeine after noon.

I did not add Melatonin supplementations. This is because our body can naturally produce this Hormone to sleep
when we are in the dark and while mitigating the effects of blue light tricking our brain into thinking there is
still daylight.

Melatonin supplements can reduce our body's ability to naturally produce Melatonin, as the body becomes dependent
on exogenous intake.

If you are still having trouble, then better quality sleep is just an appointment away.

Share and like this video to help others achieve better sleep.

Leave a comment if any of these tips have personally helped you achieve a better quality of sleep.

I hope y'all have a good night with even better sleep.

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Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or a Dietician. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nutrition Researcher. Therefore, I legally do not Treat, Diagnose, Prevent, or Cure people. My advice is to not be construed as such and is my opinion. I educate people on the following topics above. My advice is best tailored to my clients. If you are not my client then any advice given should be discussed with your professional healthcare provider.

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