Immigration: The Legal Journey

6 months ago

Much is made of illegal immigration into the United States. We hear reports of 240,000 individuals just last month (Oct 2023) evading the proper ways of entry into this nation. However, there are still people who choose legal migration. The journey is very long!

I recently had the honor of speaking with one person about their legal pathway to US citizenship. Yes, you will end up scratching your head while thinking 'the illegal way seems easier.' The issues and concerns surrounding illegal immigration into this country have been debated for decades - I remember it percolating during Civics class when I was in 9th grade - 38 years ago! Very little has been done by our elected 'leaders' since those discussions.

Immigration into this country is a political game with very real human costs and I believe both sides of the aisle are complicit.

I have had the honor of witnessing the naturalization ceremony for some of the newest and proudest Americans. And, recently, I had the privilege of speaking with one such American about his process. Mike Sylvester is now a Grassroots Trainer with Americans For Prosperity.

I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Kevin Battle is a media personality. This interview aired on Baltimore's WCBM Radio on December 3, 2023.

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