Russian idioms in Cyrillic, along with their English translations

6 months ago

Here are 30 Russian idioms in Cyrillic, along with their English translations: Вешать лапшу на уши- Literally "to hang noodles on one's ears"; means to deceive or to fool someone. Бить баклуши - Literally "to hit the clapboards"; means to be lazy or to idle. Кот наплакал - Literally "the cat cried"; means a very small amount of something. Лезть на стенку - Literally "to go up the wall"; means to become very angry or irritated. Медвежья услуга - Literally "a bear favor"; means a disservice or an ill favor. Не все дома - Literally "not all at home"; means not all there, implying someone is a bit crazy or absent-minded. Работать как лошадь - Literally "to work like a horse"; means to work very hard. Рубить с плеча- Literally "to chop from the shoulder"; means to speak or act straightforwardly or bluntly. Сидеть на шее - Literally "to sit on the neck"; means to depend on someone or to be a burden. Собаку съел - Literally "ate a dog"; means to be very experienced in something. Без рыбы и рак рыба - Literally "without fish, even a crayfish is a fish"; means something is better than nothing. В тихом омуте черти водятся- Literally "in a quiet whirlpool, devils are found"; means calm exterior hides a cunning nature. Глаза боятся, а руки делают - Literally " the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing"; means overcoming fear to get something done. Делать из мухи слона - Literally "to make an elephant out of a fly"; means to exaggerate or make a big deal out of something small. Заставить кого-либо синицу ловить - Literally "to make someone catch a titmouse"; means to make someone waste time on trivial things. Искать волос в яйце - Literally "to look for a hair in an egg"; means to nitpick or find fault where there is none. Как с гуся вода - Literally "like water off a goose"; means having no effect. Лить вода - Literally "to pour water"; means to speak a lot without saying anything meaningful. Мыть кости - Literally "to wash bones"; means to gossip or speak ill of someone who is not present. Не в своей тарелке - Literally "not in one's bowl"; means to feel out of place. От всей души - Literally "from the whole soul"; means with all one's heart, sincerely. Палец о палец не ударить - Literally "not to strike a finger against a finger"; means not to lift a finger, to do nothing. Под лежачий камень вода не течет - Literally "water does not flow under a lying stone"; means you won’t achieve anything without effort. Пропускать мимо ушей - Literally"to let it pass by the ears"; means to ignore something, not to pay attention. Разводить руками - Literally "to wave hands"; means to show helplessness. С миру по нитке - Literally "from the world by a thread"; means every little bit helps. Сытый голодного не разумеет - Literally "the well-fed does not understand the hungry"; means it's hard to understand a situation you've never been in. Тянуть кота за хвост - Literally "to pull the cat by the tail"; means to procrastinate or delay doing something. Ходить вокруг да около - Literally "to walk around and about"; means to beat around the bush. Черная овца - Literally "black sheep"; means an odd or unusual member in a group Global Robotics Corporation Please like, comment, share and subscribe

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