Huskies Go Loco When Their Owner Comes Back With A Husky Mask On

7 years ago

Siberian Huskies have an Arctic dog temperament, which is to say they are tough, determined, and self-sufficient. However, when they get to see their owner, also known as the pack leader, after a very long time, they turn from <a href="" target="_blank">stubborn tufts of fur</a> into little children. Don’t believe us? Just watch this clip!

In this video from Sakon Nakhon, Thailand, a pack of Siberian husky dogs get their furry minds blown when their human shows up wearing a realistic-looking husky mask.

In all that commotion, we were able to count a total of 11 of these happy tufts of fur, each one running to their owner’s side, demanding kisses and hugs. We can’t say whether it is his long absence, their utter happiness to see him after all this time, or the fact that somehow, while away, he managed to transform into one of them!

He smells like their pack leader and he sure smells like him, but to see him actually look like one of them...boy, oh boy!

<a href="" target="_blank">Huskies</a> are extremely intelligent, however, this dog isn't as eager to please her humans as other breeds, which makes her more challenging to train. Huskies do best with experienced, knowledgeable owners who insure they are continually socialized and trained throughout their lives.

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