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For Whom the Bell Tolls
~ Supplemental Material ~
"Whoever insults his brother or sister will be subject to the court. Whoever says, 'You fool!' will be subject to hellfire."
- Matthew 5:22
Henry Alfred Kissinger was born on May 27, 1923. A man of Jewish-German descent; his family escaped to America in 1938. From 1943-1946, Kissinger served in the US Army. The height of his public service: served as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, under two Presidential administrations.
Henry Kissinger also had the distinctive honor of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The life that he lived, also garnered him the dubious reputation of being the Antichrist (AC). This is the same Antichrist (also known as the Beast) of Revelation 13.
With his recent passing on November 29, 2023; all such notions of Kissinger being the AC, is obviously ridiculous. As often is the case, with many of these types of events; there isn't any statistical data to know exactly how popular this notion of Kissinger being the Man of Lawlessness was.
Be that as it may, there are some very important lessons to learn from this situation, that everyone needs to be cautious of. According to the Biblical timeline of events; the identity of the AC is the next prophecy in line, waiting to be fulfilled. The details are found in both the video and the description section, in the link below.
All the failed predictions, of the various people that have been assumed to be the AC; have always been the result of individuals not being mindful of examining every component that have been revealed in the Bible. What usually occurs is that one or a few aspect of the AC is highlighted but the rest of the prophecies surrounding him, are completely ignored.
The perfect case and point, Adolf Hitler. Unlike previous points in history, where there were about one figure per century, that was accused to be the AC; The 1930-1940 had 4: Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler.
The reason Benito Mussolini was seen as the AC; it was his vision of creating a new Roman empire. The significance of the connection to ancient Rome is from King Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, in Daniel 2. In verse 33; part of the prophetic dream consisted of having legs of iron. Those legs of iron represented the ancient Roman empire.
The dream also speaks of the last kingdom to exist, "its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay." The iron aspect of the feet represents the shadow or connection to the Roman empire. This major aspect of the AC can be discovered in the next link.
This gave Benito Mussolini a semi decent reason as to the possibility of being the AC. It quickly became apparent that this wasn't so, as he wasn't able to hold his own, with military conquest but his ally Adolf Hitler, that was different.
Hitler's pursuit wasn't just global conquest but to create a Nazi New Order, that had Rome intricately weaved into the fabric of the myth he desired to establish for his nation. The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was classified as the First Reich.
Though the kingdom itself was real (800/962-1806), the significance of this period was made greater than what it was historically. Hitler made this time period similar to Germany's version of Camelot.
The Second Reich: the German Empire, also known as Imperial Germany (1871-1918). It was a constitutional monarchy and structured its government similar to the British system. Then of course the Third Reich, which was Hitler's kingdom (1933-1945).
Hitler adapted some of the rituals of ancient Rome and incorporated it into Nazi Germany. In addition, his military victories made him seem unstoppable. To further his resume; Hitler had developed close ties with Arabs, so they would aid in the conflict.
The seeds that were sown back then, still impacts us today. A great book, that helps to understand the destructive nature of the ghosts from the past, that still haunts that region of the world:
Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, published: Yale University Press.
As true with all past candidates of those being the AC; the realization that he was not the Son of Satan, was made clear when on May 8, 1945; as Germany surrendered on the Western side and a day later on the Eastern portion.
The Führer himself escaped the Soviet capture of Berlin. Officially the entire world was told that he had committed suicide, along with his wife (April 30, 1945); in a bunker, as the Soviet forces were advancing into the capital.
Several decades ago, evidence had shown itself that the suicide was pure fiction. Unofficially, the reasons were to keep the public calm. They were concerned that the knowledge of him still being alive would cause fear.
This is what's known as a cover story. Creating a narrative that would be acceptable to the general public; in the event of having to admit what had occurred. Cover stories sound nice. They tell a tale that makes unethical behavior, as a well meaning, even understandable decision; made by those in leadership. To discover the real motivation; always observe actions, not the words.
If the cover story were true, by those that made those choices; all one needs to do is look at the evidence. First, examine the environment in which all of this was going on. Most of the world was militarized, due to this conflict. They've faced the challenges and seen the horrors of war.
With the end of World War II, on September 2, 1945; there was no military force that sided with Hitler. Having taken technology from the Germans, America was on the edge of the jet age and had used fission weapons to end the conflict with Japan.
Realistically, if it were made known Hitler was still alive; a demand for a global man hunt would have occurred. The motivation for the cover up wasn't to "protect the public;" instead it was to hide the fact Nazi's were aided by elements within the American bureaucracy and the Catholic Church. Those details can be read about, in the next link.
This entire situation goes to show another diabolical aspect to our world. With all that has been uncovered, why has there been zero efforts to correct historical information?
Several points stand out. The people in control, are pathological liars. They want people to continue to believe what they are told to believe. The other, to hide agents of the globalists agenda.
Which leads us to the next candidate; with being the AC, during this time period: Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd Chief Administrator (Chi Min) and part of the Democratic Party. He had been the longest operating bureaucrat of said position (1933-1945).
32 earned his place in the halls of being the AC because he was considered to be the "man of lawlessness." Up until that point, Americans had experienced large amounts of independence from bureaucratic interference.
Huge shifts from what America was, to the establishment of socialism on American soil, by his New Deal programs (where he forced parts of it via executive orders); wasn't simply seen by some, as unConstitutional but rather Satanic.
In 1937, he pushed to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, what's known as "packing" the court, so that the Supreme Court justices would make rulings favorable with his agenda.
Add to it, 32's Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934 and the creation of the social security system; all seemed like the Mark of the Beast (MOTB).
It didn't help to change this perspective with 32 pushing for the establishment of the United Nations (UN), back on June 12, 1941. He had the same mindset of a prior Chi Min: Thomas Wilson but more commonly known as Woodrow Wilson (28).
28 also had the accusations of being the AC. His placement of being known as such; he was the first Chi Min that was a globalist. Prior to his appointment, America had followed the wisdom given by the first Chi Min; where he stated that America must avoid foreign involvement.
Unless there was a visibly seen, American interests; it wasn't right that any elected official would place the lives and wealth of its citizens in harm's way.
With 28's globalists perspective, which would be known as Wilsonianism or Wilsonian idealism. As an advocate for the League of Nations, this would make him seem as a global man of peace.
What's interesting with 28 and 32, they weren't simply part of the same political party. 32 served under 28, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1913-1920). Historians also say that what resulted from World War I was in direct relation with World War II.
World War I was a stalemate and was winding down. If America hadn't gotten involved, the European nations would have come to agreeable terms, on both sides of the war. Instead, the audacious terms given to the Germans; one of the attendees said that such terms will create another war.
Almost in a choreographed fashion, the deceptive means in which the first war was fought; when it comes to the second war; 32 was in the right place and the right time, to pick up where 28 left off. The deaths of both 28 and 32, would end any ideas of them being the AC but what is true; they are guilty of having lots of blood on their hands.
The last candidate of AC during this era: Joseph Stalin (1924-1952). Once the Cold War was over, the proceeding generations have become ignorant as to Communism's history. After all, you can't sell people on the beauty of the system, if one can see how ugly it is.
From the very beginning, the birth of the Soviet Union was mired in blood. Vladimir Ulyanov but more commonly known as Vladimir Lenin. He was one of the Russian revolutionaries and was its first leader (1917-1924).
Lenin expressed the importance that Communist must be "militant atheists" and demanded that communist propaganda utilize "militancy and irreconcilability towards all forms of idealism and religion."
During the Russian Civil War, there have been reports that roughly 322 bishops and priests had been killed. By 1921, it was estimated that an additional 330 people of the clergy had been killed but analysts believe that this number was underestimated. Plus the number only pertains to clergy and not mere parishioners.
Joseph Stalin was the second leader of the Soviet Union. He was known to be a cruel sadist. This cruelty took the persecution of the churches, within the Soviet Union, to a completely different level.
In 1928, policies were set in place that made it mandatory where anti-religious education began from the first grade and on into the point where the child was no longer in school. Christian intellectuals were arrested and sent to prison camps and most died during their captivity.
In 1932, Stalin introduced his "five year plans of atheism," which the goal was to eliminate all religions from the Soviet Union. In 1938: 106,300 clergy members were executed. The belief that Stalin was the AC, wasn't limited to his hatred and destruction of Christians.
Stalin was the first Soviet leader to be a global threat to the Western world and the antagonist of the Cold War. He pushed for the spread of Communism by all means necessary.
Time has shown that all these selections have been wrong. Ironically though, out of all four of them; the individual that had the most similarities with the Bible's description of the AC, is 32.
Though 32 didn't take the steps that the German Führer took; that made him infamous; he was as the father of modern day American liberals. The left in America, are championing all the things that Hitler, including siding with the Palestinians.
With the long list of past AC candidates; obviously none of them were true. What also has been universally true with them; those that have been the instigators of their personal choices of the AC; had been fanatical about their beliefs concerning whom they that were "The One."
This is where the handling of the AC has been seriously handled by many, in a fashion that contradicts God's Word. The Bible clearly states that we are to have NOTHING to do with false prophets or false teachers.
"Anyone who does not remain in Christ's teaching but goes beyond it does not have God. The one who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your home and do not greet him; for the one who greets him shares in his evil works."
- 2 John v. 9-11
Those that say that someone is the AC and it turns out to be false; that categories that individual as a false prophet or false teacher. One has to keep in mind how the information is presented. When someone is saying "is;" this is a declaration of fact. When someone says "might be" or any similar expression; that is speculation.
Speculation is personal belief and isn't making any absolute claims. Such means of expressing a personal view; is the Biblical and most godly approach to bring forth the subject.
Until a potential candidate actually does what the Bible says the AC will do; it's always important, for those seeking to honor God; to have a healthy room for doubt. Which also means, pray for the salvation of the person that one thinks is the AC.
Seems pointless to some but that would only be true, if the person is the AC. The Bible is clear as to his fate. Since one must take the position of uncertainty, praying is important. Another aspect of what to pray for: if the person is a good leader and there are no others that surpasses that individual politically; pray that person will win whatever position they are pursuing.
Doing so might make some turn white as a ghost but remember, if that individual is the AC, it would NOT matter if a person prayed for the success or failure because the mark of the AC is being a leader that rises to power. There's nothing anyone can do to stop that.
Make sure that how you share your ideas of who the AC is, is done so with caution; doing so that the person you're telling these ideas to; clearly understand that it's theory and not concrete.
Conversely, if the person is a corporate leader or political figure, that does things that are unethical, immoral or detestable; trying to engage in legal means of stopping said person; isn't a problem. That is, long as one does not try to sell the reason to stop any support because that person is the AC.
An alternative aspect to all of this; the warning signs of the false prophets and teachers, that share their views of the AC or in other words, "red flags" to be aware of. Jesus is very clear as to being mindful of the things we say.
Though it might seem fashionable to simply share any beliefs concerning who they believe is the AC is, but simply putting their ideas out there, is a sin; according to the Bible.
"Do not give false testimony against your neighbor."
- Exodus 29:16
"I will destroy anyone who secretly slanders his neighbor; I cannot tolerate anyone with haughty eyes or an arrogant heart. My Eyes favor the faithful of the land so that they may sit down with Me. The one who follows the way of integrity may serve me."
- Psalm 101:5-6
"For know and recognize this: Every sexually immoral or impure or greedy person, who is an idolater, does not have an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God's wrath is coming on the disobedient because of these things."
- Ephesians 5:5-6
The one who conquers will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be my son. But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars - their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."
- Revelation 21:7-8
Think of it this way. Someone has the ability to know or figure out who the AC is but does not know that how they are presenting that information can be sin, if they are wrong.
The Bible states early on, not to "bear false witness (as said in the old Elizabethan English). Slander is making false statements. Gossip are merely rumors both of which the Bible warns against.
Declaring someone is the AC, is the most harmful label to get. It has the potential of ruining careers and negatively impacting their relationships. It also puts their lives in danger, since there are crazies out there.
All of which ends up damaging a person's life because people who are irresponsible and doesn't know the Bible basics. With such a flawed manner in which many of these people conduct themselves; do you honestly think that such higher end knowledge would be given to those that don't know fundamentals?
With all the material I've seen with the numerous theories, of all the various people seen as the AC; I've not seen one instance of a person public denouncing or admitting that they were wrong about who they claimed to be the AC.
Unfortunately, whatever suffering these candidates had to suffer because of people's ignorance; one thing that is certain; God is just and those that have not repented over their sin; will suffer the consequences in the next.
To get a glimpse of some of the current contenders of the possible AC list:
Anyone that gets blessed from this channel and would like to be a blessing; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive.
With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.
Thank you for your consideration!
Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.
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