The Core of Toxic Relationships

12 years ago - Please support my work on this channel.

Author, Life Coach, Toxic Relationship Coach, BPD/NPD & Loved Ones & Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari talks about what is at the heart of the dynamics in toxic relationships. Many might believe that toxic relationships only apply to people with mental health diagnoses or those who are close to them, but this is not entirely always the case. There are many underlying reasons why people end up in toxic relationships and feel compelled to continue to play out what A.J. identifies as the central dynamic or core dynamic in toxic relationships as being. It is a most unconfortable, yet paradoxically, comfortable relational inter-change and it is also an indication of an addiction to emotional chaos and drama whether one is emotionally dysregulated easily or not. Mahari also points out that among all the things that toxic relationships include, love, isn't present in toxic relationships - not healthy love.

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