BPD NPD Abuse - It's Them, Not You

7 years ago

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Not You - Too many people take on Cluster B abuse as if it were their own responsibility. It is not your responsibility. It is that of the Cluster B person who is #abusive. Cluster B people are everywhere.

Session(s) NPD Abuse Recovery:

Do not take in or accept responsibility for what they do - they are going to do all they know how to do. What are you going to do to empower yourself? When you can empower yourself, you free yourself, piece by piece, from their abusive power which his really not power but the abuse of said as they feel most often out of control. Cluster B, Borderlines, Narcissists, Psychopaths ARE everywhere. That's why the solution for each person, individually, is to radically accept that a Borderline will act like one (without treatment) a Narcissist will act like one and a psychopath will do what it is they do. That has nothing to do with you. It is not your fault. You have not attracted it. You are NOT creating the drama, or the toxic nature of the abuse you are suffering. NO! Please do not ever blame yourself for what is not your responsibility. Your responsibility, is to continue to learn, to grow, to reach out and get professional support to help you with the incredible growth that will come from any and all your suffering so that you can take very good care of you. Nothing about what the Cluster B personality disordered do is their abused victim's fault or doing. An important distinction to make. That's why it's so important to disengage and get out of the toxic dance.


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