Get Un-Stuck From the Trauma & Anger of Narcissistic Abuse - Strategic Practice

7 years ago How To Donate & support my work on this channel

Narcissistic Abuse is traumatizing. The pain and anger along with the unfairness and injustice of it all can be just too much to move through for so many. Are you stuck? Stuck re-experiencing the trauma of how you were betrayed and abused? Are you triggered often? This is re-traumatizing to continue going though. Radical acceptance practice and a neutral mindful coping strategy can and will help you to get unstuck if you practice this regularly. Start slowly and build up the time that you go to this neutral emotionally non-reactive observing of what you have suffered. This is a very helpful and effective way to get un-stuck and get into a more forward moving, freeing, process of healing the trauma of the Narcissistic Abuse you suffered. (Coaching/Counselling Services)

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