NPD Abuse Gaslighting and Strategy to help Self Doubt

7 years ago How To Donate & support my work on this channel

The very nature of Narcissistic Abuse is gaslighting, twisting your reality to confuse you and control you and so the Cluster B abuser can get that supply of your distress or discomfort, self-doubt, and any and all reactions to that as fuel and supply and sadistically hurt you to feel better. All the narcissistic abuse is centered around the gaslighting because it (along with all forms of abuse) creates the self-doubt and the cognitive dissonance that multiply your pain endlessly until you get your feet back solidly into knowing that you really do know what you absolutely know or are just finding out. I offer a very easy to do strategy to help you prepare for those moments of thinking "you are wrong" - you are not wrong and the times when you might go to denial - it really happened though, and the times you might doubt yourself - blame yourself, when you certainly did no abuse the Narcissistic abuser and you absolutely did not abuse your Self or cause the abuser to hurt you as they are, have or did.

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