After Narcissistic Abuse: Achieving Peace Inside Despite The External Chaos In Life

7 years ago How To Donate & support my work on this channel

I am living proof that one can go from a lot of pain and having been abused in life to achieving tremendous peace inside. Peace, calm, strength, confidence, that I can and will handle all challenges that come my way. Handle them well emotionally and psychologically inside of myself. There is increasingly an ever-growing cacophony of chaos in every area of life in this "insane" world in which we live. Cacophony refers to a meaningless mixture of sounds and a frequent us of harshness and relationship difficult to understand - which is meant to apply to music, but I am applying here to the virolent vortex that seems to make the world go 'round all too often. The key is learning to separate the external from the internal in your experience. Letting go of that which is external and you cannot control provides such relief and is the path to achieving internal peace. This video is meant to inspire you and uplift you to know more about all that is so possible for you if you are still in need of finding it.

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