Borderline Suicide - Loved Ones Left Behind - Blessings

5 years ago

Borderline Personality Disorder is painful for those with it and painful those close to them. BPD suicides are rising. The darkness of being left behind by a loved one with BPD that completes suicide is something that millions of people are trying to live with.

So much lost potential to so many with BPD that do complete suicide. The feeling guilty after, feeling at fault, feeling you could have save him or her, feeling that if only you did this or that. If only you didn't do or say this or that. Oh, and the question why - it haunts and it hurts with pain so raw. No closure. No goodbye. BPD loved ones, like me (thought I did not know she had BPD) are left reeling with way to much overwhelming feeling, grief, loss, isolating to try and survive the roller-coaster of pain, questions and loss.

I did a video on this Borderline Personality Disorder and Suicide for Loved Ones who fear it, partners breaking up with someone with BPD, family setting limits etc. in January of 2018 never imagining I'd be going through what I am now. To watch that video, called,
"BPD and Suicide - (Ex) Loved Ones' Traumatizing Dilemma & Heartache" I have ended up living the heartache after going through the dilemma. Remember, you do have to take care of yourself.

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