BPD - Codependents are Props For BPD Identity | Codependent False Self Trauma Bonds to the BPD

3 years ago

In BPD Relationships Codependents are Props For BPD Identity Codependent False Self Trauma Bonds to the BPD

Codependency is its own trauma response to childhood and people with Codependency in or after a relationship with someone with Borderline Personality (untreated) are further traumatized and re-traumatized. It is the false self in those with Codependency that Trauma Bonds to the pw/BPD as much as they trauma bond with you.

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http://phoenixrisingpublications.com - Ebooks & Audio Programs
http://soulselfhelp.on.ca/coda.html since 1995

#BPDRelastionships #codependentfalseself #traumabonds

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