BPD NPD & Codependents Misappropriating Empathy

3 years ago

BPD NPD & Codependents Misappropriating Empathy

After a relationship of any type with a person with BPD or NPD which are not centrally defined by anything to do with empathy or its absence Codependency & Misunderstanding Empathy. Empathy is losing its original meaning to all kind of agendas. Misunderstanding Empathy is a central problem for people with BPD and those with Codependency.

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BPD NPD & Codependents Misappropriating Empathy

#BPDNPDCodependents #MisappropriatingEmpathy #ajmahari


[0:00] Intro
[0:20] Is it all About Empathy?
[0:30] Why Settle for BPD or NPD Splitting Vs No Empathy
[0:50] BPD Diagnosis Empathy is Not Central
[1:12] Over-Focus on Empathy Misappropriating It
[2:01] BPD & NPD Each Spectrum Disorders
[2:35] Over-Focus on Empathy
[3:10] Empath Focused On Empathy?
[3:17] Compassion vs Empathy
[3:28] BPD Diagnosis & Empathy
[4:08] BPD Empathy vs Defenses No NPD Empathy
[4:58] BPD NPD Diagnosis Not all About Empathy or its Lack
[5:43] Empathy is Over-Blown & Codependency
[5:57] Misappropriating Empathy Everywhere
[6:55] Childhood Trauma Failed Empathy & Core Wounds
[8:16] BPD NPD Locus of Focus Different
[9:35] BPD NPD Core Issues Empathy Not Central
[10:32] Empathy not key Thing Defining BPD or NPD
[10:36] Anti Social Personality No Empathy + What?
[11:30] Empathy Trap & Codependency
[12:50] Delineating & Defining Codependency
[13:22] Codependency Framework of Personality Disorder?
[14:01] Get Off Empathy Hamster Wheel
[15:16] Codependency Dichotomy of Empathy Trap
[16:02] Empath? Unpopular Truth

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