Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

6 months ago

The "clock" is definitely ticking.
‘Clock Is Ticking…’: Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments
The doctor raises significant concerns about the overreach and influence of global organizations in health policy, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations, and similar bodies.
“… pandemic preparedness relies on this false premise that pandemics are common, they’re very deadly, and arise through contacts with animals, and that we can anticipate them, thus prevent them.”
As Dr. Lindley presents a clear and simple call to action:
“… it’s up to us, the American people, to put a stop to it.”
"Eastern Europe grew up under totalitarian regimes for most of the 20th century. Our people suffered under the boots of dictators and ideologies that suppressed freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of speech was a fairy tale, we saw on television shows or heard from reading books. Then regimes fell and some semblance of freedom was experienced on different levels, just for the European Union to be formed and bring us back into the fold under the guise stronger together, but are we stronger together when you have unelected officials in the EU determining your destiny and voting with the WHO for a new form of centralized totalitarian control under the guise of health for all, One Health.
It is time, my fellow citizens of the world, but in this case Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina etc to show them that we know this monster and we do not want to go back!
“For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?” Ralph Waldo Emerson"
Doc Kat Lindley

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