Like A Cross +

10 months ago

How wide open should our heart be? Mine is wide open! My Christianity, It is just NOT religion for me, it is much more personal, it is heart to heart relationship with God. There is nothing better than making it personal with God. I love, love, love my relationship with God. Heart To Heart with God, this is what we were created for. God relationship is what we human beings are wired for in our soul and our spirit.

Yesterday God spoke to my heart about being my “Truest Christmas Gift” and I know without a doubt that in my vital-vertical relationship with God, that He is going to unpack this for me during the Christmas Season. Being in personal relationship with God is such a God Adventure of growing through this life on this side of heaven.

God is constantly speaking, I hear Him all day long, I hear His heart for all of us. Oneness with God is so miraculous and it began with Jesus coming here to us. How personal is that? I will never get over that. Jesus came here to us. What a HUGE gesture of love Jesus made toward us. I receive it, God’s love.

My relationship with Jesus is vertical and it is vital. My personal time with God creates in my heart a “Cross”… how??? Well, I am in a vertical relationship with God, it is very personal and so much more than Sunday Religion. I love talking with God, getting into His Word and He speaks… I listen… First, I change me up, my heart and my life, to the wisdom God shares. After my life is changed by it, then taking what I received from my heart connection with God, I share it horizontally with everyone God puts in my path that day. So my life is a Cross…+ a vertical relationship with Jesus strengthens me in ways where I can have my arms held out wide to the world… do you see the picture of the cross? Vertical with God, Horizontal with the world.

Daily in my vital-vertical relationship with God, I receive from God, I open my heart wide to Him vertically in relationship with Him, then I open my life wide to the world, horizontally embracing others with the love and truth of Jesus. My life is a cross. I pray you too know the joy of reflecting the Cross of Jesus Christ through your life. God bless ya.

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