High Blood Pressure: Prevention & Treatment | Preventative Health Care

9 months ago

Hosted by Roland Pankewich CNP, CPT

One could argue that the prevention and treatment of blood pressure are one and the same. Blood pressure is a vital sign of life, it is an indicator of health status closely tied to other cardiovascular risk factors and disease, and is a predictor of specific disease states.

In this public talk, you will learn that there are many variables that can temporarily affect blood pressure, and ideally if a variable such as stress becomes a thing of the past, your pressure should return to normal. It is when the stressor becomes chronic, affecting the physiological state, that there is a concern. All degenerative physical factors, contributing to hypertension, are discussed along with specific diet strategies, micronutrients, exercise and lifestyle changes that are recommended for healthy blood pressure.

The material shared by Roland Pankewich, CNP, CPT, in this Open House lecture, is part of the Preventative Health Care an course at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN). Preventative Health Care and 18 other courses, make up the full curriculum required to obtain a Diploma in Applied Holistic Nutrition and earn the exclusive designation of Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP).

IHN’s Preventative Health Care course description: Nutrition is positioned as a significant factor in the prevention of many disease states. Learn how proper nutrition can protect against, reverse and/or retard many ailments including: osteoporosis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, anemia, kidney disease and colon cancer. Current research developments on phytochemicals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals will be explored.

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