Can You Help a BPD Ex To Go To Therapy in Repeated Attempts To Have the Impossible Conversation?

1 year ago

Can You Help a BPD Ex To Go To Therapy in Repeated Attempts To Have the Impossible Conversation?

In response to a comment left on my Youtube Channel, a video "5 Reasons For BPD Lying That Destroys Relationships - Is There Biology To BPD?" Do you still want to, or do you continue to try to reach back to a BPD Ex to "start a conversation" to help them? Are you aware this means you want this person to get help and change to still try to make the betrayal bonded relationship work? This commenter asks a question many can relate to "How can I help her?" I address this comment and I hope people will consider my response. - Ebooks and Audio Programs

#BPDEx #ajmahari #codependency #canIhelpmyBPDEx

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