we have spent 6 years together, vortex ringing out the sponge...

8 months ago

here we go again
happy thanksgiving vortex
hello n goodbye to the weeping willow
the fake lake w/ the fountain in the middle
you can appreciate the aesthetics damnit
even if you're not a fan of the thing as a whole you can appreciate minor things about the bigger thing
there's a lot goin on right now
drinkin a green smoothie, wearin a purple sweater...from the amy gross channel
the ORIGINAL ag channel: aim less
no direction due to screwey ass brain + that's my name, multiple plays on words
i suck at technology, man
it's like pulling teeth just doing this shit
we almost died, that lexus almost knocked us out
once again, God took care of us since we suck at taking care of ourselves
we excel at some things, others not so much
i am on the best terms w/ my dad thank you God
maybe i was a reaction to my dad n then he was a reaction to me
my dad taught me how to not argue anymore
there's lotza shit that most people don't wanna know esp if it's illegal
if you can keep quiet about certain aspects of your life that'd be better for everyone
they don't wanna know the drugs that you're on
there's a lotta extra space in my brain i reckon
it doesn't matter what it is, they know how to flip a switch when it makes the most sense
hardly anyone on the road due to the holiday
we had this thanksgiving brunch @ the retirement community
edema, significantly debilitating cos she can no longer walk
i understand that her situation is really bad but her impatience has made her have a very defeatest attitude
ronnit was doing this in the beginning but she got over it
i deal with these things mentally
why i do so much when i'm alone
i have no choice but to be a crazy artist
i'm really glad i know what i'm supposed to be
you know what we think about all these health issues
no point in trying to convince them, they feel the exact same way about my medical decisions too
many many things are contributing to the sickness of learned helplessness
my dad was the happiest i've seen him in a long-ass time
it is highly important to focus on positive qualities
i can pick up energy from across the room
i can feel when certain people are behind me
trying to assess the wait staff today
what is causing this person to be so distressed
it's not really my place to try to fix it for em, 2 weepy girls today i just wanted to hold em
i dunno what my services would entail tho...
ooooh i hope yawl saw that
what if that cop is goin thru a divorce which is why he's working this holiday
ag accepts the licks
i hold a keyboard but that's just one hand that i wouldn't be holding the wheel w/ anyway, don't you worry about that
i agree w/ yer criticism, texting n driving is bad i know
lotza people hold their phones actually
women look around n notice shit which is why we are bad drivers
we get easily distracted but we have keen observations if we learn how to channel this (cannabis clues)
empathy is a curse n a gift
i wouldn't forsake this if you paid me
i appreciate what God has given me
dis ease w/ this shit world
learned helplessness instead of rising to the challenge
totally there in my early twenties
i love my job cos it's taught me so much n i genuinely appreciate it
don't take it personally if people yell at me
experience strength n hope from living outside of AA meetings
that was a deer just hangin out on the side of the freeway
beautiful sky right there
there are gonna be way more dead deer
it's just gonna flood
there are upsides to everything
you could say the same thing about aborting babies, even tho i kinda understand the point
i'm a crank, i hate everything
i'm about to be 38, i wasn't telling people i was 37 and a 1/2
i don't talk to kids or animals in any kinda special way
women are so annoying when they talk to babies n puppies
lj is the most awesome baby cos he is so happy n full of life
i mirror them, not mimic them
my parents belittled me way more as an adult haha
boomers are great w/ kids tho
what did we do
the camcorder fell off the dashboard n this happened...i'll see ya later

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