Civilians now subject to the revised Manual for Courts Martial.

Civilians now subject to the revised Manual for Courts Martial.

7 months ago

Executive Order 13825—2018 Amendments – Manual for Courts-Martial, Now Includes Civilians.

Riccardo Bosi Leader of Australia One explains the impact of the revised Manual for Courts Martial and what it means for those in the US and also Australia

For those Australians who believe this has nothing to do with us, remember, YOU turned our government into a corporation, enjoyed all its benefits. As a result of your treasonous actions the US now controls Australia and Australian civilians are now subject to the revised Manual for Courts Martial.

Australia - A US Registered Corporation

2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

Department of Defense Law of War Manual (Updated July 2023)

Treason never ends well
Military is the only way !!

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