Lovers Seek Justice Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Lovers Seek Justice Energy Vlog title is first from the date November 24, 2023, thus 42 or # 6 The Lovers card a harmonious relationship, partnership and intuition. The amplitude power of 29 or 11 the jusitce card.

Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. the first was the power of 29 giving us the justice card which we need it to be fair and balanced. The second amplitude power of 18 The Moon Card Illusion and intuition we went through the transits of the moon today starting in aries and moving into Taurus this evening. The quality power 16.8 thus we have #15 the Devil card watch out for addiction and obsession. The frequency average is 7.82 hertz, thus we have # 17 the Star card bringing us hope and clarity of vision. Therefore, we can say: The lovers seeking Justice for the heinous act of the Devil which the star showed us clearly the evil he had done and gave us hope that we will wing the case.

Space Weather news site showed us a class M CME coming off the incoming limbe of the sun at about a 45 degree angle. Thus we might get brushed by this one depending on its mass. The solar wind density was up to eight protons, the sinds speed is at four hundred kilometers per second. The solar wind temperature was about 70,000 kelvin. The KP index was in the Green zone the highest level was 2.75 thus temperance card asking that we be balanced in our approach.

I shared a clip from Tom numbers interview of Juan O Savin at lake havasu. talking about the 2020 election and the semaphore of Melania dresses.

I pulled one card from hte Spirit Animal Oracle deck. It was the Tiger card, thus Selfturst Inner guidance and taking a Leap of faith. Finding your willpoerr, personal strength and clairvoyance. the shadow side of tiger is Isolation being misunderstood anger and aggression.
Schumann Resonance today disclosure site:
Space Weather News Site:
Jaun O Savin interview November 22, 2023 by Tom Njumbers:

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