Ep 434: Rooster Vance Powered By Hivemind

7 months ago

In this discussion, Rooster Vance and Anthony Gaona connect over their shared vision for a decentralized future and discuss the importance of marketing and business growth, particularly in the real estate industry. They emphasize the shift from traditional advertising to online and social media marketing, using real estate profits to build a powerful marketing machine. The two speakers also highlight the value of collaboration and are working together to secure land deals by leveraging Speaker 2's hive mind approach and Gaona's network of buyers and sellers.

• Connecting with a new friend and sharing political views. 0:01
• Marketing and business growth in real estate and beyond. 1:16
• Leveraging real estate and social media for marketing. 3:57
• Partnering for land deals and competing with oneself. 9:09

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