Ep 435: God, Mindset and Programming Your Life Experience

7 months ago

The speaker advocates prioritizing stillness in the morning to set a positive tone for the day, believing that inner stillness through meditation can manifest a perfect day and honor the voice of God. They stress taking control of mind and body through habits and self-awareness, suggesting the modification of behaviors for lasting change. Imagination is highlighted as a tool to manifest desired outcomes, with emphasis on feeling emotions and practicing mindfulness. The impact of the book "Thinking Grow Rich" is discussed, and the importance of mindfulness and biblical principles for success is explored. The speaker also addresses achieving success through action, team meditation, alignment with shared beliefs, and the intersection of religion, spirituality, and personal growth. Spiritual struggles and leaning into support systems are acknowledged, and the speaker encourages a personal connection with God while rejecting organized religion. Finally, the significance of spirituality and mental health in business is emphasized, with a mention of its role in negotiations and maintaining a balanced perspective.

• Prioritizing stillness for a productive day. 0:00
• Using imagination to manifest desired outcomes. 9:04
• The book "Thinking Grow Rich" and its impact on personal growth. 14:37
• Using mindfulness and biblical principles for success. 17:22
• Achieving success through taking action and believing in oneself. 23:37
• The importance of team meditation and alignment with shared beliefs. 28:49
• Spiritual struggles and leaning into support systems. 38:30

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