TheDimThanksgiving LIVE! Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc (2023) | Invincible Season 1 (2021)

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Happy Thanksgiving!!! Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about the second half of the "Demon Slayer" Swordsmith Village Arc and season 1 "Invincible" plus the first few episodes of the second season.


RonGreen1 Today is turkey day. Tomorrow is turkey sandwich day.
thrasybulus Turkey. Leftover turkey. Leftover leftover turkey. Leftover leftover leftover turkey. Bone soup.

RonGreen1 The best part of Thanksgiving, is a woman in the kitchen.
FolsomLockdown Supporter They still cleaning up the kitchen?
FIRST. Suck it, pre-first nerds.
thrasybulus Are our hostesses too hopped up on tryptophan to be here?

Qriist Supporter Beverly did say she was watching the last episode of Demon Slayer. I imagine she's wrapped up in memorizing the credits and lost track of time.

RonGreen1 Movie fun fact: Nobody actually died with a woody, in the movie Die Hard.

Qriist Supporter That's an unconfirmed rumor. No one had their pants off so there's no way to verify.
thrasybulus Running while you pee is not for this stream oh @Dimstick.
Omni-Man is such a strong, upstanding hero. I'm glad he's on our side!
thrasybulus The @BigDigEnergy telegram says L won't be home in time to stream tonight.
thrasybulus If you are good enough to represent America at the Olympics, you are good enough to get citizenship from another country to compete for them.
TIL Beverly just hates alternate dimension deaf people.
thrasybulus Bad Female Character < Same Character Talking Less
FolsomLockdown Supporter If it's like The Boys then they take shots at both sides, one side just gets shoveled more shit in than the other

Qriist Supporter Well, S1 is based in the DC area. So it would be DC, PA, or MD.

Qriist Supporter or VA
thrasybulus Lots of states have ages of consent lower than 18 because it was normal for women to get married young when the laws were written.
thrasybulus @qriist Maybe Delaware.

Qriist Supporter maybe, but remember that Debbie can easily get to the secret base. Can't be a very long drive.
thrasybulus I could be older than the grad student who is teaching the course I am taking, but she would still have power over me.
thrasybulus There are also some cultures that consider you as getting older on the new year, not your birthday.

Qriist Supporter I was emancipated at 17.

CorianaRae Ok i made it, we on the demon slayer or invincible?
thrasybulus Superhero identities are like the witness protection program. It getting revealed could lead to really bad things happening, like death, abduction, torture.

CorianaRae Me: *reads under Bev name* Da Turkey slayer ?! I thought it was a myth, but it's a living legend

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator *Erly not Bev

CorianaRae Apologies in advance Beverly

CorianaRae *hates Amber with a thousand suns* then again the voice actor really brings it out on being a character we all hate
I have a theory regarding how Amber ended up mad about Mark being Invincible: she is literally two different people. Not in the story, but IRL. E06 is the only episode in S1 with multiple directors.

CorianaRae Drag queen in a kindergarten be like
thrasybulus Stick on prosthetic type boobs? Great. Another way to be deceived about boobs.
"I remember when I accidentally went to sex ed" -Alex
thrasybulus How many classes of different genders does sex ed need now?

CorianaRae I could bring the same effect with 2 water balloons with a string balanced on the back of neck
FolsomLockdown Supporter They're teaching sex ed younger and younger. When I was in school they started in Jr High, now they start it in like elementary school

CorianaRae A yo-yo slip in sex ed? Dang so you know walk the dog style
The helicopter trick has a whollllle different meaning depending on which class you're in.

CorianaRae Just reveal like Tony Stark goin "I am ironman"
thrasybulus @DimOne Every person who knows a secret means another person who can reveal the secret to your enemies or the press. What would be worse, dealing with TMZ following you or villain knowing who you are

CorianaRae I'll keep a mental note of calling Erly
thrasybulus Test your might Fight Mortal Kombat

CorianaRae *hits Alex nose* FATALITY

Qriist Supporter SNOOTALITY

CorianaRae Brings a whole meaning with boop the snoot

Qriist Supporter All this talk about menstruation is mysoginist. Let's be inclusive and focus on womenstruation instead.
thrasybulus Putting the condom on a banana doesn't work. Try it and see if it stops pregnancy or the spread of disease.

CorianaRae Sex Ed: (pen and pineapple song) i got a banana, i got a condom. Boom, protection

CorianaRae I like how Erly eye just shot up to the ceiling to think , *sees thought bubble*

Qriist Supporter tbf, MCU spiderman did let his closed friends and family know

Qriist Supporter closest*
thrasybulus There was an issue was with condom education in some countries where the demonstration of it on a stick led to people trying to put condoms on sticks to try to prevent pregnancy.

CorianaRae Then again, he just let the doc strange spell make them forget again

Qriist Supporter yes, but that was a side-effect of making the entire world forget

CorianaRae Touché
thrasybulus African magic condom sticks.

CorianaRae Erly: I'm gonna tape your eyes and see pokemon movies like Jigsaw torture device

CorianaRae Also Omniman: whats 16 more years ? *pummels Mark*
thrasybulus They will own nothing NOT We will own nothing.

Qriist Supporter Dropped a relevant meme in Discord #fun
Sometimes pets just don't understand what's going on. 🤷 ♂️
thrasybulus How long have you knowingly deceived me about the fact you are an alphabet person?

CorianaRae Omniman: ah yes let me use my child to kill a train of civilians
Hey Alex, did you learn about Invincible's version of running a train in your yo-yo class?

Qriist Supporter Rex is the epitome of lovable bastard.
thrasybulus I don't want to have sex with a man, but I want to be in a relationship with a woman that does.

CorianaRae Eve: despite my powers, i decide to do beam blast

CorianaRae theres one part she got her butt handed to her when she fight her siblings

Qriist Supporter meme link

CorianaRae "Me being a millionare" My parents: you dare make money ? disappointment

CorianaRae bro omniman can just say to Mark, "we got the cure to cancer" ez domination
thrasybulus Letting children in on your secrets is a good way to let others know your secrets. Little kids will talk.

CorianaRae "yeah humanity so awesome ! , we definitely don't have too much prisoners"

Qriist Supporter Warhammer 40k has a short story that I really like. An exploratory Imperium of Man colony ship arrives at a free planet under seige by alien invasion.

Qriist Supporter Seeing the immediate emergency, the Imperium helps fend off the invasion. Afterwards, as the native planet defenders are celebrating their new freedom, the Imperium explains that they are here to colo

Qriist Supporter Naturally, the natives reject this edict. The Imperium responds by immediately slaughtering them. For their own good, of course.

Qriist Supporter here to colonize them*

Qriist Supporter Invincible: Eve, I could never kill you. *breaks her neck and paralyzes her*

Qriist Supporter Omni-Man: So that's what you were practising on those protestors last week. I couldn't figure it out.

Qriist Supporter I like how nuanced they wrote Cecil. Obviously fallible, bit of a dick, but still trying to be decent.
OakPoke Good evening. Happy Thanksgiving.
Eliana212 Noise Reducing Curtains For Room & Office (Best Sellers)
FolsomLockdown Supporter It's a bot
OakPoke Maybe his head fell off
FolsomLockdown Supporter Wait untill ya get to Iguro's back story, damn
FolsomLockdown Supporter Yes he gets to keep that sword from the training puppet
OakPoke G'night and God bless.
FolsomLockdown Supporter Most of the back stories will be covered while they're training in the beginning of the next arc, which I'm thinking they'll probably split up into 2 or 3 parts
FolsomLockdown Supporter No audio
FolsomLockdown Supporter This should theoretically be the last arc, they might try to keep the training in it's own arc but it'd be fairly short, but picks right up until the end afterwards
FolsomLockdown Supporter They're supposed to be starting up a Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest anime sometime soon
FolsomLockdown Supporter I didn't used to read manga, but when I started to I found I generally like them better than the anime, anime generally leaves some things out
FolsomLockdown Supporter I'm a slow reader, but you can burn through manga pretty quick. Alex makes a great point with the pacing, when Tokito is in that poison water it doesn't not feel drug out like the anime made it seem
FolsomLockdown Supporter Goblin Slayer completely left out a fight between Goblin Slayer and a Drowned from the manga
FolsomLockdown Supporter Goblin Slayer would be closer to Berserk

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
FolsomLockdown Supporter You're being blasted on ye ol' boob tube after can family dinner
FolsomLockdown Supporter Boob tube is another word for tv
FolsomLockdown Supporter Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for an entertaining show, I'll try to brush up

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