60 years after John F. Kennedy’s assassination – Masterminds revealed

7 months ago

Warning: The program contains original footage of several assassinations.

It is November 22nd, 1963. Kennedy is visiting the metropolis in Dallas, Texas. He drives through the city in an open car with his wife Jackie. Tens of thousands stand on the side of the street and cheer on the couple. Suddenly shots are fired and a bullet hits the President’s head.

Who were the masterminds behind John F. Kennedy’s assassination? This documentary shows revelations and the bigger picture surrounding the perpetrators of Kennedy’s assassination. It reveals the connections between politicians, the military-industrial complex and secret societies that have been operating in the background right up to this day, eliminating any independent jurisdiction.

On November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the USA, John F. Kennedy was killed in an assassination. Kennedy‘s assassination, like 9/11, is one of the most historically significant events of the last century. The majority of people today are convinced that the official version of the Kennedy assassination is not true.
In this program, Kla.TV uncovers devastating connections that still exist worldwide 60 years after Kennedy’s assassination and which continue to have a serious impact on world events. It is therefore crucial for everyone to know the connections that have been uncovered and to be aware of the fatal backgrounds to the Kennedy assassination.

1. Just barely one and a half hour after the assassination, 24-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as a suspect. The FBI presented him as a lone perpetrator, and he is officially considered to be Kennedy’s murderer. However, this version does not stand up to close scrutiny.

One piece of evidence that exonerated Oswald was a nitrate test that he had to undergo on the evening of the assassination. A nitrate test can detect traces of the use of firearms on hands and clothing. The test result showed that Oswald had not fired any shots with a weapon in the previous 24 hours. In addition, his fingerprints could not be found on the rifle with which he had allegedly shot the president.
Oswald himself vehemently denied the crime and declared, that he had not shot anyone. Here is a recording of him shortly after the assassination: „I‘m just a patsy.“

Lee Oswald‘s trial, i.e. a hearing, never took place because just two days after his arrest, he was shot dead by nightclub owner Jack Ruby.
What is strange here is the fact, that Lee Oswald was shot in a secure police station. Another incriminating factor is, that the police had previously questioned Oswald – but later stated, that they had failed to keep a record of his statements. Of all things, shouldn’t there be minutes or recordings of this crucial interrogation?

Original recording of Abraham Zapruder disproves individual perpetrator

According to the official version, Lee Oswald acted as a lone gunman and fired from the sixth floor of a schoolbook warehouse. According to this report, the fatal shot to the head was fired at Kennedy from behind.
This official version was severely shaken in 1975 with the release of the so-called „Zapruder film“. On the shots by Abraham Zapruder, who had filmed the president in Texas as an observer, it is clearly visible, that Kennedy‘s head was thrown violently backwards to the left by the fatal shot and that the bullet came from the front. This is an indication, that the President was also shot at from the front and that there had to be several shooters.

Disclosures by lawyer Mark Lane

As early as in 1966, the lawyer Mark Lane revealed that the single perpetrator theory did not hold. Lane spoke to a large number of witnesses and published a book entitled „Rush to Judgment“. In his film of the same name, numerous witnesses stated, that Kennedy was also shot from the front, from a grassy hill.

The peculiar trajectory of the bullet

The official version of the crime claims, that Lee Harvey Oswald, as the sole perpetrator, fired a total of three shots from behind. In order not to jeopardize this single perpetrator theory, it was explained to the public, that the second shot caused a total of seven entry and exit wounds to Kennedy and to Governor John Connally, who was sitting in front of him. The bullet had such a peculiar trajectory, that it injured not only Kennedy but also Connally‘s back, chest, wrist and thigh, changing its trajectory several times.
As the trajectory of the bullet defies all the laws of physics, this second shot is referred to as the „magic bullet“ in Kennedy research. All contradictions are immediately resolved, if one assumes, that there was at least one other shooter who was not positioned behind Kennedy‘s limousine, but in front of it.

Former bodyguard of John F. Kennedy comes clean
The Secret Service agent and bodyguard of John F. Kennedy, Paul Landis, was standing just a few meters away from Kennedy when the fatal shots were fired. With the publication of his memoirs in October 2023, the direct eyewitness to the assassination broke his decades-long silence. The central point of his tell-all book is the infamous „magic bullet“. Based on his observations, he believes it is impossible, that only three shots were fired. He is convinced, that there were multiple shooters!

Abduction of the dead body
John F. Kennedy was taken to Parkland Hospital in Dallas immediately after the assassination. The doctors at this hospital insisted on performing the autopsy on site, as required by Texas law. A thorough autopsy could have determined how many times Kennedy was shot and from which directions. But this was omitted, as the surgeon Dr. Charles Crenshaw later reported: „The president‘s body was forcibly taken out of the hands of those responsible for investigation of the death and autopsy, the Texas authorities.“
Despite the strong opposition from Dr. Earl Rose, chief of forensic pathology at Parkland Hospital, Kennedy‘s body was taken at gunpoint by Secret Service agents at 2 p.m. that same day. The Secret Service took the body to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, where the autopsy began at 7 p.m. under the supervision of high-ranking military officers.

In an article about the autopsy of John F. Kennedy in the military hospital, the Deutsche Ärzteblatt commented as follows: „The neuro-forensics (= specific examination) of the assassinated president and even his emergency medical care are likewise characterized by some contradictions. [...] – including an autopsy in a place other than that prescribed by law [...] and a tracheotomy exactly in the bullet channel of a wound, which in a strictly legal sense is tampering with evidence. [...] The autopsy is described in the forensic literature as incomplete. Among other things, the brain was not initially examined in detail, especially to determine the ballistics of the fatal bullet.“

The autopsy photos and X-rays published years later contradict various witness statements. Both, the nurse Audrey Bell and the surgeon Dr. Robert McClelland, who worked at Parkland Hospital, spoke of an enormous wound at the back of the head. Based on his observations, Dr. McClelland believes, that the fatal shot must have come from the front.

Dr. Charles Crenshaw also expressed his conviction in an interview, that President Kennedy was shot from the front: „We wrapped him in a sheet and put him in the coffin. But before we did that, I looked at the wound again. I wanted to know and keep the memory for the rest of my life. And I will always know for the rest of my life: He was shot from the front.“

2. Numerous witness statements, the laws of physics and video recordings prove, that there were several shooters who shot John F. Kennedy. If it was not a single perpetrator, who were the perpetrators and the masterminds behind the assassination? Who had a motive to assassinate the US President? Were there circles of people to which Kennedy‘s policies were a thorn in the eye?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, known as John F. Kennedy for short, was sworn in as the 35th President of the USA on January 20, 1961. He came from a politically highly respected family. The picture shows him with his brothers Robert F. Kennedy, Attorney General in John F. Kennedy‘s cabinet, and Edward Kennedy, the long-serving Senator for the US state of Massachusetts.

During his time in office, Kennedy was particularly notable for his peace policy. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war. John F. Kennedy refused to follow the advice of his generals who had suggested an invasion of the island. Instead, he opted for a naval blockade. Kennedy then negotiated with Nikita Khrushchev, the head of government of the communist Soviet Union, and promised him to refrain from any further attack on Cuba. This prevented the threat of nuclear war between the USA and the Soviet Union.
In October 1963, just over a month before his death, Kennedy also began to withdraw the US troops from Vietnam. In an official memorandum dated October 11, 1963, he ordered the withdrawal of a thousand American military personnel from Vietnam by the end of the year.
Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense in John F. Kennedy‘s cabinet, later stated, that Kennedy would have withdrawn completely from Vietnam, had he still lived.
With this policy, however, Kennedy took on the military-industrial complex and the US secret services. Their aim was to extend US supremacy through further wars of aggression and military operations, including in Vietnam and Cuba.
This is precisely why the invasion in the Cuban Bay of Pigs took place in 1961, but it failed. It was a covert military operation by the CIA with the aim of overthrowing Cuba‘s President Fidel Castro. Kennedy then dismissed CIA Director Allen Dulles and announced his intention to break up the power structures within the CIA. His aim was to bring the CIA back under political control. In the search for those behind the Kennedy assassination, the trail to the US secret service is unmistakable.

Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser comments: „In my opinion, the Kennedy assassination was ordered by Allen Dulles. Allen Dulles was the director of the American secret service, the CIA. [...] Richard Bissell is responsible for covert operations in the CIA department. That‘s Allen Dulles‘ right-hand man. And he fired them both. [...] They were both of the opinion, that Kennedy was a security risk to the USA and to the imperial interests of the USA. Because they thought, that if he didn‘t strike, for example against Fidel, against Cuba, if he didn‘t strike against Vietnam, if he didn‘t wage war, then there would be no American dominance of the world.“

John F. Kennedy‘s nephew, US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is also convinced, that the CIA was involved in the assassination of the US head of state in 1963. In an interview in May 2023, he accused the US secret service of covering its tracks for decades. Kennedy on the death of his uncle: „There is overwhelming evidence, that the CIA was involved in his murder.“

The CIA was founded in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its first director was William Joseph Donovan. He was a member of the Rockefeller Foundation and worked for the Rockefeller family. Allen Dulles became director of the CIA in 1953. From 1945 he was president of the influential Council on Foreign Relations, CFR for short. The CFR was founded in 1921 by well-known bankers such as John D. Rockefeller Junior and has since been largely financed by the Rockefeller family. David Rockefeller, who died in 2017, sat on the board of the CFR from 1949 and later headed it. There is so much power behind this think tank, that the news magazine DER SPIEGEL wrote as early as 1975 that it was the „most influential private institution in America and the Western world“. To this day, the Council on Foreign Relations pulls the strings as a kind of shadow government. The US administration is also controlled from this strategic hub with the aim of advancing the so-called „New World Order“. Almost all the heads of the CIA were or are members of the CFR. CIA agents are active worldwide – mostly covertly via the US embassy in the respective countries.

A few hours after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the new US President on board of Air Force One. Johnson had thus risen unelected to the top of US politics. Johnson put an end to Kennedy‘s peace policy and led the USA into war with North Vietnam. By 1968, over 500,000 US soldiers were stationed in Vietnam. The CIA was extensively involved in this war and carried out numerous covert political and military operations. In 1995, Vietnam announced that four million North and South Vietnamese civilians and 1.1 million Vietnamese soldiers and fighters had been killed as a result of the war operations until 1975, about an eighth of Vietnam‘s total population. Scientists estimate, that the USA dropped twice as many bombs on Vietnam as they did during World War II. The chemical weapon used, Agent Orange, permanently poisoned an estimated 24,000 square kilometers – a seventh of the total area of South Vietnam. As a result, one million adults and 150,000 children in Vietnam are suffering from cancer or psychological and genetic damage.

In addition, Dr. Daniele Ganser comments: „You must know, that after Kennedy was assassinated in ‘63, the Vietnam War broke out in 1964, incidentally, on the basis of a lie [...]. Then 11 years of war until 1975. Three million Vietnamese, 58,000 dead Americans, napalm, Agent Orange, deformed children. All huge crimes. Kennedy didn‘t want that. He wanted – and this is what his Secretary of Defense McNamara said – he wanted to withdraw all US advisors from South Vietnam by the end of ‘65. And 50 days after that decision, Kennedy was assassinated.“

Remarkable speech by John F. Kennedy on April 27, 1961

Kennedy gave a remarkable speech in New York in 1961 to the country‘s most important newspaper publishers. He warned in it against secret societies and a worldwide conspiracy.

John F. Kennedy said literally: The very word „secrecy“ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. […] For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. […] It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine, that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. […] Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.”

Republican Senator Ron Paul stated in 2016: „But quite frankly there is an outside source which we refer to as the ‚deep state‘ or the ‚shadow government’. There is a lot of influence by people which are actually more powerful than our government itself, our president.“


The US presidents before John F. Kennedy

Franklin D. Roosevelt (President from 1933-1945)
Roosevelt was a very active member of the Freemasons and received numerous Masonic delegations at the White House during his presidential years. He was a member of Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York.

Harry S. Truman (President from 1945-1953)
Truman became an active Freemason in 1909 at the age of 25 in ‚Belton Lodge No. 450‘ in Missouri. He later founded the ‚Grandview Lodge No. 618‘ and finally rose to become Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1940.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (President from 1953-1961)
Like numerous US presidents, Eisenhower took the oath of allegiance to the „Masonic Bible“. The copy came from St. John“s Lodge, the oldest Masonic lodge in New York.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was a CFR member from 1949. After being elected US President, Eisenhower recruited many cabinet members from the ranks of the CFR. The most important person he appointed was CFR member and brother of Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, as US Secretary of State.

US President John F. Kennedy (President from 1961-1963)
Kennedy did not take the oath of office on the Masonic Bible, but on his Catholic family Bible. John F. Kennedy was not a Freemason and was not a member of the CFR.

The US presidents after John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson (President from 1963-1969)
Johnson was also a Freemason. He joined Johnson City Lodge No. 561 in Texas in 1937 and was also a member of the Masonic Lodge Janus.

Richard Nixon (President from 1969-1974)
Richard Nixon was also a Freemason. He was also a regular visitor to the Bohemian Groove, an exclusive club open only to elite male executives. He was a member of the CFR from 1961.

Gerald Ford (President from 1974-1977)
Gerald Ford was admitted to the Masonic Lodge Malta Lodge No. 465 in 1949. In 1962, he rose to 33rd degree Mason. He was also a member of the Three Eyes Masonic Lodge founded by David Rockefeller. He was also a CFR member from 1982.

Jimmy Carter (President from 1977-1981)
In April 1973, David Rockefeller appointed him to the Trilateral Commission, which acts as the CFR‘s control center. He was also a member of the CFR.

Ronald Reagan (President from 1981-1989)
Was a member of the White Eagle Masonic Lodge.

George Bush Sr. (President from 1989-1993)
Bush Sr. was a member of the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, 33rd degree Freemason, member of the Masonic lodges Hathor Pentalhpa, Three Eyes and Edmund Burke.

Bill Clinton (President from 1993-2001)
In his youth, Clinton became a member of the Hot Springs Chapter of the Order of DeMolay, a youth group affiliated with Freemasonry. He eventually became a member of the Masonic lodges Janus, Maat and Three Eyes. He has been a CFR member since 1981.

George W. Bush (President from 2001-2009)
He is a member of the Masonic lodge Hathor Pentalpha and a member of the secret society Skull & Bones.

Barack Obama (President from 2009-2017)
He is a member of the masonic lodge Maat.

Donald Trump (President from 2017-2021)
Trump has no known connections to Freemasonry or the CFR.

Joe Biden (President since 2021)
He is a member of the Masonic Lodge Maat.

3. The Warren Commission was officially commissioned in 1963 to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy and to identify the perpetrators. Was this investigative commission independent or also part of the conspiracy mentioned by Kennedy?

Four days after the assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed the so-called Warren Commission to investigate the circumstances surrounding Kennedy’s assassination. The final report was published in September 1964. The commission supported the official theory and came to the conclusion that President Kennedy had been murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald and that there had been no conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy.

The bestselling American author Jim Moore published a book on the Kennedy assassination in 1991, arguing, that the commission did not conduct a real investigation: „The Warren Commission, it should be clear, never really conducted an investigation. They began with a conclusion and then worked fairly carefully to ensure, that the available facts fit the pre-ordained determination.“

The English historian Hugh Trevor-Roper also expressed strong concerns about the Warren Commission‘s report: „I had the impression, that the text had serious flaws. Moreover, when probing the weak parts, they appeared even weaker than at first sight.“

The members of the Warren Commission

The Commission took its name from its chairman, the Chief Justice of the United States, Earl Warren. Warren, like President Johnson, who appointed him to the Investigative Commission, was very active in Freemasonry. He was a 33rd degree Mason and Grand Master for the State of California.

Richard Brevard Russell was Governor and US Senator of Georgia.
He was also a Freemason and a member of Winder Lodge No. 33 in Georgia, where he rose to 33rd High Degree Mason.

John Sherman Cooper was an US Senator of the Republican Party and 33rd degree Freemason. Cooper was also a member of the secret society Skull & Bones.

Gerald Ford became the 38th President of the United States a few years later – from 1974 to 1977. Ford was initiated in the Masonic Lodge Malta Lodge No. 465 in Grand Rapids in 1949 and rose to the 33rd High Degree Mason. According to a 1963 FBI document released to the public in 2008, Ford was in contact with the FBI throughout his entire time on the Warren Commission and passed information about the panel‘s activities to FBI agents.

Allen Welsh Dulles was the head of the CIA.
Dulles, of all people, was one of the main suspects in the Kennedy assassination on the investigative committee. He and his brother John Foster Dulles had family ties to David Rockefeller and were co-founders of the Council on Foreign Relations. The 33rd degree Freemason Allen Dulles also served on the board of the CFR from 1927-1969.

John Jay McCloy, Chairman of the Board of Chase Manhattan Bank, was appointed President of the World Bank in 1947. He was a close friend of the Rockefeller family and Chairman of the CFR from 1953-1970 around the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Thomas Hale Boggs, also a 33rd degree Freemason, questioned the work of the Warren Commission in the 1970s. He had strong doubts about the theory of the „magic bullet“ and ultimately campaigned for the „Kennedy file“ to be reopened. But this did not happen! Boggs disappeared in an unexplained plane crash in October 1972.

Other key people in the Warren Commission

Nicholas Katzenbach and John Edgar Hoover are regarded as further initiators of the Warren Commission. Nicholas Katzenbach was a member of the CFR and served on the CFR board from 1975-1986.
John Edgar Hoover, 33rd degree Freemason and member of Federal Lodge No. 1 in Washington D.C., was Director of the FBI at the time. As such, he was also in charge of the FBI‘s investigation into the Kennedy case.

Dealey Plaza – the site of the Kennedy assassination

Dealey Plaza is a city park in downtown Dallas. It is the site of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This should be no coincidence either, as Dealey Plaza is also associated with Freemasonry. The person after whom the place was named – George Bannerman Dealey – was a 33rd degree Freemason. A striking feature of Dealey Plaza is the Masonic obelisk inscription: “Dealey Plaza – Birthplace of Dallas”. Within the small park was built the first home which also served as the first courthouse and post office, the first store and the first fraternal lodge.

The Rockefeller Commission

The public vehemently criticized the Warren Commission‘s working methods and did not believe the official version. As a result, the US government was forced to have the conclusions of the Warren Commission reviewed by a total of four further bodies. These included the Rockefeller Commission, which was set up in 1975 and chaired by Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller‘s brother. He was also a high degree Freemason and a member of the Three Eyes Masonic Lodge. The commission reaffirmed the Warren Commission‘s finding that there was one assassin and called the allegations pointing to multiple assassins „far-fetched speculation“.

Deaths in the Kennedy family

Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of John F. Kennedy, was committed to solving his brother‘s murder. In 2013, his son Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in an interview on CBS, that his father was „fairly convinced“, that several people had been involved in his brother‘s assassination. He described the Warren Commission report as a „shoddy piece of craftsmanship“. Robert Kennedy ran for president in 1968.

When Robert Kennedy won the primaries in both California and South Dakota, he was considered to have a good chance of becoming the next US president. On June 5, 1968, shortly after midnight, he spoke to his supporters in a ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. As he walked through the hotel kitchen on his way to the press room, he also became victim of an assassination. Similarly to his brother John F. Kennedy, the official version speaks of a single perpetrator, although there are equally glaring contradictions.

Another brother of John F. Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, survived a plane crash with serious injuries on June 19, 1964. On January 13, 1982, Ted Kennedy missed a plane that also crashed after take-off.

John F. Kennedy Jr. was the son of John F. Kennedy. He died in a plane crash in 1999 at the age of 38. His wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy also died in the accident.

4. Conclusion

Dear viewers, are you wondering why the Kennedy assassination is still an issue after 60 years?

A huge abuse of power and an unbelievable cover-up of the actual masterminds and perpetrators comes to light around the assassination. This documentary reveals extensive activities of secret societies, that positioned their members at the highest levels of the state and which to this day (!) do not shy away from initiating wars against other states or overthrowing heads of government.

The fact, that the nefarious conspiracy denounced by Kennedy still exists in the form of a shadow government, is obvious just by looking at the current US administration. Similarly to previous CIA chiefs, the current CIA chief William Joseph Burns also works for the CFR. The current FBI Director Christopher Wray is also connected to the CFR, so is US President Joe Biden, who is a high-grade Freemason and also very close to the CFR.

In numerous broadcasts, Kla.TV has already shown, that this shadow government does exist not only in the USA, but worldwide. Secret societies and masterminds at work are the same. These show up behind

- the corona dictatorship,
- the Russia-Ukraine war,
- the current Israel-Palestine war,
- the world power China,
- the EU administration
- and also 9/11.

This is the reason why today, even 60 years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, it is very important to demand a complete clarification of this crime so that the harassment of people worldwide will come to an end. Only through an independent investigation can the masterminds, who control these secret societies worldwide, come to light and be punished.

Kla.TV remains independent and investigative for you. Become part of this international movement of uncovering the truth yourself. Please spread these disclosures as much and as far as you can.

Important Note:
Kla.TV would like to explicitly point out, that the persons, backgrounds and interconnections mentioned in this program are not intended to lead the viewer to an anti-Semitic judgment. Even if people or interest groups mentioned in this program say they are Jewish, every viewer should keep in mind, that violence no matter which side perpetrates it, must basically not lead to racist judgements. Because often, upon closer examination, people who are brought to the attention of the public as a result of the revealing work of investigative journalism, distract from their acts of violence by using their religious group or nation as a scapegoat or shield. In this way, hatred and subsequent violence is deliberately and unlawfully directed at the religious community or nation. The fact that, in many cases, you are not at all dealing with real Jews but with a Luciferian ideology, is explained in detail in the programs „Against Racism and Conspiracy” (see: www.kla.tv/23558) and „The secret of the obelisks“ (see: www.kla.tv/14340).

As it is also stated in the Bible in Rev. 2:9: „...who say they are Jews, and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.“

from mw
Assassination of John F. Kennedy – Backgrounds
Compact Spezial Nr. 39, 2023, Attentate des Tiefen Staates, Seite 10-19

Dr. Daniele Ganser: Kennedy assassination in Dallas 1963

Buch ‚Imperium USA‘, Daniele Ganser, 2022, Seite 189-205

Ex-Bodyguard of John F. Kennedy comes clean

Abduction of Kennedy’s body
Buch ‚JFK – Verschwörung des Schweigens‘, Charles Crenshaw, 1992

The murder of John F. Kennedy: A shot that shook the world

Kennedy’s order for US forces to withdraw from Vietnam

William J. Donovan – Founding Father of CIA

Council on Foreign Relations – Financed by Rockefeller Family

CFR – Co-Founder John Rockefeller Jr.

CFR – most influential private institution

Millions of death victims through Vietnam War

Franklin D. Roosevelt – Freemason

Harry S. Truman – Freemason

Dwight D. Eisenhower – Oath of Allegiance to the Masonic Bible

Lyndon B. Johnson – Freemason

Richard Nixon – Freemason

Jimmy Carter – Member of Trilateral Commission

Jimmy Carter – Member of CFR

Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Joe Biden – Freemasons
BUCH ‚Massoni – Società a responsabilità illimitata. La scoperta delle Ur-Lodges‘, Giole Magaldi, 2019

Warren Commission: Official Investigation Commission on Kennedy’s Assassination

Author Jim Moore debunks Warren Commission
Buch ‚Conspiracy of One: The Definitive Book on the Kennedy Assassination‘, Jim Moore, 1991, Seite 173

Earl Warren – Freemason

Richard Brevard Russell – Freemason

John Sherman Cooper – Freemason

Gerald Ford – Freemason

Allen Welsh Dulles – Freemason

John Jay McCloy – Freemason

Thomas Hale Boggs – Doubts on results of Warren-Commission

Freemason Membership of Warren-Commission
BUCH ‚Massoni – Società a responsabilità illimitata. La scoperta delle Ur-Lodges‘, Giole Magaldi, 2019

John Edgar Hoover – Freemason

Dealey Plaza – the place of Kennedy’s assassination

The Rockefeller Commission

Deaths in the Kennedy Family

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