The Unseen Crisis - Covid Vaccine Injury

1 year ago

Vaccines have harmed and killed more people than terrorism and it's not even close, yet there is barely any moral outrage or attempts to make it right with continued silence from the MSM, government, pharma, and celebrities.
Why do you think that is? What is influencing these people at the highest levels to make them suddenly find their "moral compass" all of the sudden and care about the death of innocents? Why do they bring attention to one injustice and not another? What makes certain lives more valuable than others?
We have 6 month old infants getting the mRNA vaccines FFS, which are severely contaminated with plasmid DNA and a ticking time bomb. There are mass shootings in ghettos every other day with innocents dying in the cross fire. Pharma drugs and medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death and business continues on as usual with fines and slaps on the wrist.
There is so much to be outraged about that the news never covers, but once there is an opportunity to cover a topic that is profitable to the elites and beneficial to political narratives and overarching geopolitical agendas, they lay the moral outrage on as thick as possible and create a false duality for you to pick a side to fight amongst one another.
Why do you think someone like Ben Shapiro isn't outraged about his own people in Israel being used and guinea pigs for Pfizer, one of the most criminal pharma corporations in history? Why did he play along with the establishment and not condemn Netanyahu or the US government for this?
Why do you think the liberals are outraged about Palestinian children dying to Israeli bombs all of the sudden and not the vaccine bioweapon killing children? Why did they play along with the establishment government on the vaccine, defend censorship, defend ostracization, and cooperate just the same?
It's because of political association and tribalism, fostered by the CIA mockinbird MKultra media to divide and conquer.
Anti-vaccine = conservative, therefore it's bad to the liberals.
Pro-palestine = liberal, therefore it's bad to the conservatives.
Don't you see how we're been played continually?
This is the question that should be constantly nagging every single person on X right now and should be pondered endlessly to it's root source, with a strong fixation on how information is garnered and delivered to the people to create a narrative, and how that's used to create false dualities.
The root source is where you get your information from. It's the people you follow on social media and the influencers you respect and trust. It's the political ideology that you find yourself aligned with, be it conservative or republican. It's the beliefs you hold and the politics of your religious circles. It's the MSM that's fed their intelligence from the military. It's your friend groups and your fear of being ostracized from them for not believing what they do.
There is so much power and pressure coming from every angle trying to coerce you into believing something and picking a side, when you should be stepping back and questioning every single bit of it from the top down, listening to every side of the argument, trying to find the patterns of manipulation and the nuance in the underlying agenda, and then coming to a historically informed conclusion, seeing the conspiracy.
The vaccine issue and the lack of outrage and coverage from the MSM/Gov/etc on it, is the ultimate hypocrisy to me and I will never get over it or leave it out of context in the present. It's the perfect demonstration of how unjust, backwards, inverted, and manipulative these bastards are on all sides of the political spectrum, and how deep a global conspiracy can really go with the capture of government institutions, celebrities, influencers, and everything in between.
Everyone you see in this clip below on what the vaccine did to them, have been completely ignored, forgotten, and neglected by both sides and the same fake people feigning fake moral outrage for either Israel or Palestine for political points with their masters.

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