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Billie Eilish Body Shames Men

1 year ago

Billie Eilish recently stated that men are never the victims of body shaming, and women face nothing but discrimination. Ironically, Billie has a history of publicly body-shaming men. What are the odds of that?

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  • 0/2000
  • OK I worked out three times a day for the majority of my life. I have maintained an eight pack, not a six pack women complain about everything. I have women when they cuddle with me complain that I’m too hard.  you cannot make modern women. Happy you can give them exactly what they want and they will change their mind five seconds after. Just like a child you do not give them what they want you give them what they need and if they are not happy, then you walk away because they aren’t worth your time. 😉👍

  • Yeah girls are known for not being judgmental 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • I've always hated her. She's so high on herself. And women are the ones actually body shaming other women! They're evil as all hell. And yes, I'm a woman

  • Oh, look another irrelevant person that’s full of shit are you kidding me even these 400 pound lard ass women think that they are a 10 and are completely delusional thinking that they deserve a Channing Tatum  Hey Billy, don’t worry we got the message you don’t want anything to do with us, so how about you stick with that shut the fuck up and we’ll go our own way and you can die alone happily k thanks bye 😘

  • The sports team-"Fattest/unfit player is the last player"

  • Is this similar to the blind spot that some have about racism. Since she is a female she presumes to know the experience of men. Just like a person who has not lived a particular race believes that they know more about different races and judges them based on their own experience. Stop judging. People judge Jews, Palestinians, without living their lives. Nobody living here can accurately judge others in Judea. Some judge others who lived centuries ago when just surviving was a miracle. Stop judging!

  • no she doesnt because we have no shame. also I dont care about buggy eyelash anyway so even if she was in my house judging me I would just shove a peanut M&M up her nose and tell her to leave.

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  • Bil"LIE" Eilish , Don't Believe The Hype ... 100%

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  • The fact that nobody talks about BDD in men shows show screwed the body issue talk is towards women.

  • men do have support groups for their bodies, its mostly just joey swoll and his fans but I think they exist

  • I suspect , she has never been a man,, or she'd know better.. ,, or as a young lady said one night,, "I don't sleep with fossils",,, an odd comment from a barely legal to drink in a bar, to a 25 year old man. 😂