conclusion : GERLISH and TSCHEUCHNER chapter 4

10 months ago


A statistical analysis, no matter how sophisticated it is, heavily relies on underlying models

and if the latter are plainly wrong then the analysis leads to nothing. One cannot detect and

attribute something that does not exist for reason of principle like the CO2 greenhouse effect.

There are so many unsolved and unsolvable problems in non-linearity and the climatologists

believe to beat them all by working with crude approximations leading to unphysical results

that have been corrected afterwards by mystic methods, flux control in the past, obscure

ensemble averages over different climate institutes today, by excluding accidental global cool[1]ing results by hand [154], continuing the greenhouse inspired global climatologic tradition

Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects . . . 91

of physically meaningless averages and physically meaningless applications of mathematical


In conclusion, the derivation of statements on the CO2 induced anthropogenic global

warming out of the computer simulations lies outside any science

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