Apatros Review Ep-0038: The War of The Robots [1978]

1 year ago

AR-0038: The infamous "Italian Star Wars" flick that tends to show up with surprising regularity in numerous public domain box sets [if you have a Mill Creek multipack of at least ten films or more, chances are you have this film - this particular one I found in the notorious "Sci-Fi Invasion" 50 film box set that many online reviewers have tackled at some point or another], this one has Antonio Sabato Senior [father of Antonio "Nice Set of Abs" Sabato Junior] play a spaceship captain who has to rescue a professor & his assistant [who happens to be the captain's secret girlfriend, although she isn't loving him back - maybe the hot young crewmember who secretly loves the captain can help fix that love triangle] from alien androids that love to cosplay Prince Valiant with cheapo dimestore lightsabers who serve a council of Italian Palpatines sporting faces looking like raisins [or as we Aussies like to call them "sultanas"].

Bad movie, even by Italian standards...

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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