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Israel's Truth, Cabal Owned, Rothschilds, Zionist


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  • ... Topps!!! Great research & blended with the word... I agree with all 100% ~ God smiles on you, Brother... Jesus Spirit shines...

  • From the research that I've done, I agree with your views. Pastor Steven Anderson, RC Sproul, and many other sources, websites, videos and articles. satan has deceived many. Check out unz.com about the H0L0caust. https://youtu.be/sIA4EkvpLtc?si=C8Fas0GSgac_sLrP https://youtu.be/8cVL0ViBB7E?si=AsnRUkq_Tbvx8rWZ

  • Troy this was wonderful. I am in full agreement with everything you said. The day I accepted the fact that we were lied to about the rapture was the day when the veil over my eyes fell off. It has been a crazy wonderful journey into truth!

  • April 08 - 14 days before Passover begins for 7 days (777)  The X path will intersect/CROSS over Carbondale. Carbon atomic #666  August 21, 2017 last time = 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days. √ math!  Will CROSS over 7 townships, named Ninevah. Namesake where Jonah preached.  Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York.  Also Ninevah, Nova Scotia, Canada.  The Bur-Sagale eclipse took place over Assyria's Ninevah in 763 BCE,  during the reign of Jeroboam II. (2nd Kings 14:25)  Bible scholar Donald Wiseman speculates it took place around the time of Jonah's arrival.  As the eclipse occurs, constellation CETUS (the WHALE) will be overhead.  ( Matthew 12:38-41)  Passover 2024 April 22 begins  Exactly 1260 days later ...  Sukkoth 2027 October 15 begins  Twitter-X  Space-X  X = 24 = 6 (2024)

    1 like
  • "In God We Trust" "In God" "We Trust" "In god" "We" "Trust" "In god We" "Trust" Oligarch's put America in a "Trust."

    1 like
  • Hey brother, Tonight's JSlayUSA video is dedicated in part to your own research and findings, which helped me greatly. It airs tonight at 7:00 pm CST. I'm going to recommend people follow this channel in my video description. Check it out and leave me a like and share! Here's the link: https://rumble.com/v4bt74i-the-true-origin-of-dispensationalism-the-rapture-and-christian-zionism..html

  • Thank you for speaking truth. I think you will find confirmation to what you speak at this website, of a friend of mine. there is years worth of reading here: https://godskingdom.org/