Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series Part 3 - Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore- 2001

9 months ago

Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series Part 3 - Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore
As a physician who developed cancer herself, Dr. Lorraine Day was well aware that physicians are more afraid of cancer than patients are, because doctors KNOW chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are NOT the answer to Cancer. She will help you understand why you don't need to fear cancer. She explains to you in terms you can understand all the confusing medical jargon you will hear from doctors. By following the orderly system of evaluation that she presents, you can then make calm, intelligent decisions about the best treatment methods for you. In this astonishing and informative video, Dr. Day reveals: What YOU need to know to make the important decisions for your treatment Why doctors don't know, and are never taught, how to get you well from cancer The dangers of chemotherapy and radiation and why cancer is BIG BUSINESS! Who controls the Cancer Industry, the FDA and the American Cancer Society Who controls what the media tells you about cancer treatment The CAUSES of cancer and how YOU can reverse them -- and GET WELL! Specific information on Breast Cancer and Prostrate Cancer
Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series:
Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series Part 1 - You Can't Improve on God
Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series Part 2 - Diseases Don't Just Happen
Dr Lorraine Day: Cancer and Disease Series Part 3 - Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore
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Source: "Archive"
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