Rhema Nov 6, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... Your Consent is the Bottom Line... I can do anything

10 months ago

Text & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2017/03/09/eure-zustimmung-ist-das-entscheidende-your-consent-is-the-bottom-line/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I can do anything… Your Consent is the Bottom Line

March 3, 2017 – Excerpt of Jesus’ Message thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Oh, My children, so many of you have had dreams that were aborted by life circumstances. The enemy has tried to close your case and stamp you ‘FINISHED’.

“But I say rubbish to finished. You still have breath in you and what you are lacking I can breathe into you afresh each day. Only one thing really is required, faith in ME. And that when I give you My Word, to believe that it is My Word, and I back it up.

“It takes so little, dear ones. It looks like a big black monster lurking in the corner throwing out crude and debilitating comments… ‘IT WON’T WORK – GIVE IT UP – GET REAL – YOU HAVEN’T DONE THE DISHES YET – WHAT ABOUT THAT PHONE CALL YOU PROMISED – YOU ARE TOO OLD – YOU JUST DON’T GET IT – FACE IT, YOU’RE A FAILURE.’

“No, you are not the failure here, Satan is the failure, that’s his byline. But typical of him, he projects it onto those of My children, who are in denial – if they will have it. But you are NOT to have it, do NOT go into agreement with his lies.

“The truth is, I can do anything through anyone who is willing and has faith in Me. And if their faith is wavering? I can fix that, too. Your Consent is the bottom line. With your consent, I go to work fixing every impediment to your success. So I am asking you… Don’t be cowed by the liars.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Know Me in all your ways, and I shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

“And I shall direct your paths successfully, I might add. In other words, when we have a goal together, no matter what it is, we will succeed together, if you don’t turn back. So, go forth My glorious Brides and let us bring into being all I have given us to do.”

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