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Birth of Jesus

1 year ago

At the village of Nazareth in Israel, there lived a young girl called Mary who was a virgin. Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, who was a carpenter.

One day an angel appeared, "Mary, you will give birth to God’s Son and His name shall be Jesus, the Saviour."

Mary's relative Elizabeth was also pregnant. Her child would become known as John the Baptist.

Joseph and Mary left Nazareth. They walked 60 miles to register for the Roman census.

Eventually they arrived in Bethlehem. But they couldn’t find any accommodation. All that was offered to Joseph was a stable.

So it came to pass, that the Son of God was born in a stable.

Nearby shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks. Suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared.

The angel announced, "Today in the city of David, a Saviour, the Christ, is born." The shepherds ran to Bethlehem to see this miracle.

Also wise men from the east followed a star to see the new King. When the wise men arrived at Jerusalem, they were directed to king Herod's palace.

When Herod heard of a newly born Baby King, he was troubled. The priests told Herod that the King would be born in Bethlehem.

So the wise men followed the star, until it stopped over where the young Child was.

They worshipped the Child with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The wise men took a different route home after being warned in a dream.

Joseph and Mary took the baby to Jerusalem. The baby was taken to the temple to be named, and sacrifices were offered, as was the custom.

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