Medicaid and Spousal Refusal

7 months ago

In this interesting and informative video, Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq., a New Jersey Medicaid Law Attorney, explains the legal concept known as Spousal Refusal. Spousal refusal applies when a married spouse refuses to provide financial information and/or disclosure of his or her resources in order to qualify their spouse for Medicaid. Spousal refusal is frequently invoked by a spouse in a second or later marriage because of concerns about their financial welfare in the future and losing a lifetime of savings and income to Medicaid long term care costs.
Mr. Niemann invites his viewers to contact him should the subject of spousal refusal become an issue either by a resistant spouse or in order to assist a declining spouse needing Medicaid approval.
Mr. Niemann invites his readers as well as viewers of this video to contact him at or call toll free at 855-376-5291.

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