ag is a legal alien

7 months ago

living in this shit world...
a place so heavily immersed in bullshit that saturates every aspect of culture
i'm so lucky to have this strong a spirit, no matter how painful or exhausting
a lotta recognition of the positive that still does exist
do sumin weird n detach yourself
this is clearly obsessive compulsive addictive behavior and yet...
hint hint mfing hint
"reality" is a satire of itself
my fave part of the it the underpass or the overpass...we are passing it so there
the way i talk is appealing, the subjects are what makes them leave
if i'm not able to stop swearing i probably won't bullshit you
lexi called me the nword, it felt pretty good
most white people get nervous when they hear that word
racial culture shouldn't be offensive
should i just say i'm transracial since i'm schizo
my instinct was correct and you will see why later
coffee shops are always gay cos that's where the artists can display their stuff
that dude in the next car smiled at me
it's not a phone so what could it be
i love those holiday lights
if i see a book i assume that i am hallucinating
if i ever lie i will let chu know immediately
social media + smartphones have proven the artificiality of the "human" race
dt was here to prove that everything is fake
why would anyone wanna save the west
karl marx was right about socialism
it's about idolatry not the thing that they idolize
vanderbilt police bicycle
most decent people are caught in the crossfire
it's your problem vortex ain't it
i hope i do more on this channel than just bitch about my problems
protect kids not guns...i agree but not for the reason that they put that sticker on their car
the number of bumper stickers indicates their politics
back when i was a flaming liberal you couldn't even see the bumper of my camry
yep that definitely was my car
protecting kids from a lotta shit not just guns, that's very limited advice
i just feel weird parking over here
it is bullshit, it all used to be free
the internet is fraud central
how could i forget about the matrix?
CLASSIC woman moment
this dude i dated a long ass time ago showed me this specific parking least i got this outta that along w/ an amazing fake fur coat, i'll have to show you whenever it gets cold
submission in the bedroom don't mean shit
202 friendship house
it can be therapeutic but it can also be extremely abusive
13 stepping ain't shit compared to the abusive sponsor/sponsee relationship mimicking poor family dynamic
my sponsors couldn't handle me
i shoulda been doin it myself the whole time anyway
i self-medicated in hopes to understand my experience, i think i succeeded
if you're not the one telling yourself what to do...
you know we have to attempt to be social
scurrying back to private space...CLASSIC ag move
so glad this parking space is still here

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