Free Maple Bacon French Toast Sandwich Recipe 🍞🥓🍁

7 months ago

Indulge in the perfect blend of sweet and savory with our Maple Bacon French Toast Sandwich! 🍞🥓🍁 This breakfast delight features crispy bacon, fluffy French toast, and a drizzle of maple syrup for a symphony of flavors that will make your taste buds dance. Elevate your brunch experience with this mouthwatering combination that brings together the best of breakfast and lunch. It's a treat that's as delightful to make as it is to savor! 🌅🍽️


8 slices of bread
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
8 slices of bacon
Maple syrup for drizzling
Butter for cooking
Powdered sugar for garnish (optional)


Prepare French Toast Mixture:

In a bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon to create the French toast mixture.

Cook Bacon:

In a skillet, cook the bacon until it reaches your desired crispiness. Remove from the skillet and set aside.

Dip and Cook the Bread:

Dip each slice of bread into the French toast mixture, ensuring both sides are well-coated. Cook the soaked bread slices on a griddle or skillet over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Assemble the Sandwich:

Place a slice of French toast on a plate, add two slices of cooked bacon on top, and then place another slice of French toast to create a sandwich.
Drizzle with Maple Syrup:

Generously drizzle maple syrup over the Maple Bacon French Toast Sandwich.

Garnish (Optional):

For an extra touch of sweetness, sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the sandwich.

Serve Warm:

Serve the Maple Bacon French Toast Sandwich while warm, allowing the flavors to meld together for a delightful brunch experience.

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