Rottay Gaming Keyboard Review

6 years ago

I am really impressed with this keyboard. I've never owned a mechanical keyboard, so the loud blue switch clicking will take some getting used to. I do love the way it feels however, and I'm blown away by all the amazing color options available. The keyboard comes with 5 built in 'game modes' that only light up the most-used game keys, as well as the ability to 'lock' the Windows key which deactivates it so you don't have an accidental bump mid-game. There are also app shortcut keys along the top of the keyboard shared on the Function keys. F3 opens the on-screen Calculator, F4 opens your default music app, F5 through F8 are music/video controls and F9-F11 are volume controls. The color options live on the Ins and Del keys, as well as the arrow keys on the keyboard. Hitting Fn+Esc will reset the color options back to solid white, which Fn+PrtScrn will shut off the lights all together.

I'm very impressed with the light show, and above all that satisfying 'clickity-clack' as I type this. So complexly satisfying.

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