Get Rid of Parasites

1 year ago

Parasites are a common problem right now and I've been asked about protocols to get rid of them a LOT lately.

In this protocol we will be energizing the stomach to increase stomach acid. Stomach acid has a protective effect against any living thing that you don't want in your body. It's job is to kill parasites and bacteria and anything else that doesn't need to be in your digestive tract.

You will also be working the liver and gallbladder points to clean the intestines and digestive tract and the small intestine point and zone to clear them out. Parasites tend to live in the small intestine which should actually be a sterile environment (because the stomach kills all living things).

The best way to increase stomach acid is to eat meat. We've been erroneously told (by not so well meaning government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and others) that meat is not health.

Meat is in fact the most nutrient dense food for your body. If you do not eat enough of it, your stomach will become lazy and it will not kill parasites.

Parasites lead to digestive discomfort, gas, bloating and cramps. You will lose weight because the parasites steal your nutrition. All of your nutrient absorption happens within the small intestine!

Enjoy this video!

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