The worldly Authority and the eternal Divine Order ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts, Vol.1, Chap. 2

The worldly Authority and the eternal Divine Order

April 18, 1840

The Lord says:
1. Here are a few words addressed to Andr. H., who has been charged with exercising a worldly office, a right for the temporal good of the great ones of the world, by the oppression of the small and the weak, those without the power and strength of the world, who must nourish the great ones in exchange for nothing but the maintenance of a right which lays all burdens upon their weak necks.

2. My love within you, and the wisdom arising therefrom, which both are the eternal order whence everything that exists was created, from the greatest to the smallest, each in endless numbers. Apart from this love of Mine, there is no law, nowhere else except within this love that gladly offers everything it has, appropriating nothing to possess something for itself, but only to be able to give all the more; this love which destroys nothing, but only seeks to preserve everything, so that nothing may perish; this love which is always ready to bear everything for others, so that all may be well in the great relief of their burden; this love which, on top of everything else, is patient, gentle, and full of humility, wholly devoted to every demand of the wisdom belonging to her alone, even possessed of the strength to endure all conceivable hardships with unclouded composure, all for the good of others. Contemplate on whether there is anything else besides this love of Mine that could, or should, be called "law".

3. Should you also consider that this love out of Me is always accompanied by the true and free wisdom, which is the sole, just legislator, arranging everything accordingly, illuminating and seeing through all there is - yes, wherever My love is the basis, there too is the true law. But where this is not the case, there is no law either, but only the exact opposite. Such a "law" is then based on self-love, and its true nature is nothing but violence and deprivation, disguised in a package of humane appearance. Even if, on the outside, it would appear to be love to the blind person, it is nonetheless nothing other than infernal self-love.

4. This self-love teaches you to arduously recognise your needs and the advantage of your actions, as well as the means of arranging your circumstances in such a way that, with exact necessity, they give your fellow man only as much room for manoeuvrability as a bird in a cage or a fish in a tank. From this point of view, of domination, or rather, of deprivation, laws are then given in abundance, according to the amount of needs arising from increasing prosperity and self-love. That these laws are strictly adhered to is ensured by imprisonment, gunpowder and death. On occasion self-love gives laws to the slaves as well, so that they do not wear each other out throughout the long night of despair. This way the so-called retinue believes it too has something to apparently gain, and thus keeps quiet, for it is still permitted to enjoy a little of what is no longer suitable for the tables of those in power.

5. Now, behold, men are thereby often compelled to forsake My love and instead seize self-love for themselves, committing wickedness in small things, as the great ones do in great things, lying, stealing, robbing and murdering, even having the brazen audacity to drag My laws down into their excrement, to give them, as they put it, a "moral coating", something I do curse, however. Woe to them one day! The blind are blinded thus, but I see through their artifice, and I make it known to My children, those who have begun to seek Me.

6. And so I advise you to diligently seek My love, within which dwells all wisdom, whence alone you may become a wholly righteous man in the wise conduct of the significant office entrusted to you, for the true benefit of your many brothers and sisters!

7. And believe Me firmly: Everything the wisdom will teach you to do out of My love, you will carry out unhindered, and you will not be harmed in the slightest. For where wisdom commands, there it also abundantly receives from Me the most suitable means for the completion of any given task.

8. This say I, the eternal love, to you alone through My weak servant, a willing scribe with little fear of men, ever since he came to know Me better... Amen.

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