Universal Love Vs. Lockdown Lunacy: A Worldwide Wake-Up Call W/ David Icke #286

7 months ago

In a time of great confusion, of great social and political division, I knew it was a risk to invite such a potentially controversial guest on the podcast. But, as indicated by David Icke during the interview, the only way through this most challenging of times is by genuinely embracing unconditional love, unity, and compassion for our fellow earth dwellers. The challenge is in addressing some topics that involve the implication of malicious intent, and even evil, by not only a world system at large but also of notable individuals in positions of power and prominence.

It can be quite jarring, and potentially divisive, to call out the wrong-doing of others who are, by many, considered honest and respectable leaders and citizens. The painful cognitive dissonance or even anger some of us are likely to experience when being challenged to question our very reality must be given consideration when choosing to provide a platform for someone with a polarizing point of view.

Yet, at the same time, with so much propaganda and misinformation being forced upon us by the corporate media, I have to acknowledge that the actual controversy might not be stepping outside of the collective, commonly held belief system many people desperately cling to. Rather, the real controversy lies in the false narrative that we are all expected to go along with unquestioningly.

So many of us feel in our hearts that the story around the current health crisis and the resulting reaction by the media and world government doesn’t add up. We might not know what is truly going on, but many of us, myself included, have to admit that something doesn’t seem right. The damage caused to so many people due to the economic destruction and widespread public panic unfolding as a result of the virus’s reaction is unprecedented in human history, not to mention the loss of lives that have resulted from suicide and lack of proper medical care for people with other life-threatening illnesses who have been subjugated.

It is my objective in presenting the views in this episode to open the hearts and minds of those who have not yet questioned the official story of the health crisis to the possibility that we are being misled, and have been for a very long time.

In presenting this conversation to you, I firmly encourage you to keep an open mind. A truly open mind is one that is driven by humility and is able to not only consider new ideas that threaten its framework of reality but also one that is willing to discard old ideas, concepts, and beliefs once held dear when they are proven to be false or outdated.

Let your heart, and highest intuition be your guide as David Icke explores his take on the situation and the way out of the human bondage we find ourselves in at this unprecedented time in human history.

09:25 — How David Icke arrived at his worldview

The time I saw him speak in LA 2008 HOW so many of his 30-year old conspiracy theories turned out not to be theories at all, but rather a prophecy of sorts as many of his predictions have indeed unfolded When you uncover a plan, it can look like predicting the future Taking action centered in fear vs. centered in heart When you shift your perception, you see the world differently

25:30 — My view that, fundamentally, David's role has not been that of a conspiracy theorist but a teacher of metaphysics

What our “perceptions” really are What can we do to continue sharing information in an era of Big Tech censorship? How he has withstood 30 years of ridicule, persecution, and unprecedented current censorship The spiritual message behind his book “Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion” David’s view on racism The narrator of consciousness and the true meaning of evil Gaining awareness as an observer of self

43:35 — The cult that David sees pulling the strings

Who is the cult that runs the world? Why do they perpetuate manipulation and harm on the human population? The structure of this cult The untruths and flaws in the official COVID narrative The role of Bill Gates, as a public figure, and his very dark past Whether David believes Trump is part of the cult or a true system outsider Why the system is so afraid of his message. Would they work so hard to silence him if he is not revealing the truth?

01:50:45 — How cultivating and expressing the power of love is the ultimate solution, and how it can overcome the darkest of times

David’s 2003 ayahuasca retreat and how it expanded his reality How we affect positive change without getting weakened by anger and fear

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

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