Wikipedia's Democrat election deniers get called out

7 months ago

Wikipedia's treasonous, baseless, ludicrous, disingenuous election deniers get called out by UTubekookdetector Wikipedia’s entry on the 2016 POTUS election mentions “Russia” or “Russian” (not including sources & footnotes) 30+ times & “Russian interference” was mentioned 6 times. Sounds like election denial, eh? In its profile of Donald Trump, Wikipedia uses the term “election denial” & links to an essay that was hastily cobbled-together w/ a bevy of cut-and-paste sources to “prove” that Donald Trump’s claims about the 2020 election were false. They were not false though.

In their hasty, sloppy article on election denial they mention Kari Lake, but fail to mention the morbidly-obese Stacey Abrams. In their profile of Abrams they say, “She narrowly lost the election to Republican candidate Brian Kemp, but refused to concede, accusing Kemp of engaging in voter suppression as Georgia Secretary of State. News outlets and political science experts have been unable to determine whether voter suppression affected its result.”

Contrast that w/ their just-so statements on the 2016 POTUS election & Russia’s role in it. Very disingenuous & amusing indeed. [I debunked a user on Gab named “LogicOnly” who was alleging Russian interference via spending on political ads & debunked that completely ]

In their election denier essay they say, “An October 2022 Washington Post analysis found that 51% of Republican nominees for House, Senate and key statewide offices in nearly every state that year denied or questioned the 2020 election outcome…As of August 2023, a large majority of Republican voters and Republican-leaning independents continued to believe Joe Biden was not legitimately elected in 2020.”

Many Democrats falsely believed Donald Trump was an illegitimate President, but that was not included, was it? Why not? In their “article” on Hillary Clinton & as they did w/ the obese Stacey Abrams, they do not use the term “election denier” or “election denial.” Neither Clinton nor Abrams were mentioned in their “essay” on election denial. Odd? Maxine Waters has a history of election denial, going all the way back on 2000, but Wikipedia fails to mention that history at all other than saying she objected to 3 POTUS elections on the House floor.

Why didn’t they attach the election denier tag to her? Was it because her claims were B.S. and/or some of their idiots might get confused & think that Republicans did not invent election denial?

Did Wikipedia do an analysis of Democrats in office or running for office & how many of them spewed forth misinformation & election denial after the 2016 POTUS election? Russia changed no votes, but that lie, The Big Lie has been spewed forth many times by Dumocrats. Noted grifter John Lewis was not tagged w/ the “election denier” label, despite his false statements about the 2016 POTUS election & Wikipedia fails to mention him in their election denier essay. Wikipedia also thinks we’re a democracy, so they flunked High School Civics, but they have a lot of company out there in that regard. The overweight Kamala Harris agreed w/ false statements made about so-called “Russian interference” in the 2016 election, yet she does not appear in Wiki’s “essay” on election denialism, nor do they tag her w/ the “election denier” label in their profile of her. Why not? Mr. Magoo, aka Hakeem Jeffries parroted lies about the 2016 Presidential election more than once, yet he does not appear in Wikipedia’s essay on election denialism, nor do they mention it on his profile page.

They do say this, “Jeffries voted to impeach President Donald Trump during both his first and second impeachments in the House. He repeatedly called Trump's presidency "illegitimate" due to the Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.”

I guess they did not call him an election denier because Wikipedia wants to keep that false talking point alive. So, why not just call him an “election denier”? You know the answer to that. Mike Lindell is taken to task for questioning the 2020 election, but James McGovern, who spouted lies during the 2016 Electoral Vote tally was not labeled an election denier, nor did he appear in Wiki’s essay on election denialism.

They did say this, “On January 6, 2017, McGovern objected to Alabama's electoral votes, which Donald Trump had won with 62.08% of the vote. Because no senator joined his objection, the objection was dismissed.”

I ask again, why not tag him w/ the “election denier” label. They gave it two sentences & moved on. Why not? Sheila Jackson Lee is a prominent election denier, but she is not mentioned in Wiki’s “essay” on election denialism. Why not?

The profile of her on their site does mention in passing that she objected to 3 Presidential elections & even mentions 30 of her comrades throwing a hissy fit in 2005 over the count in Ohio.

It’s funny that they mention the counting of votes in 2000 was “contentious”, but do not say the same thing about vote counting in 2020 in certain states. I wonder why? More of the same. They say the following about Barbara Lee but fail to call her an election denier: “After the 2016 presidential election, Lee objected to Michigan's and West Virginia's electoral votes. Because no senator joined her objections, they were dismissed.” Uncle Albert Gore Jr., the Senator’s Son & his running mate Mr. Milquetoast Joe Liebermann were vocal on more than one occasion that the 2000 election was stolen from them, but they do NOT appear in Wiki’s article on election denialism & they are not dubbed as “election deniers” in their profile pages on Wiki either.

They don’t call Gore an election denier, despite refusing to concede his loss until 12/13/00. After that, Gore has asserted several times over the years that the election was stolen from him. Is he fomenting domestic terrorism for refusing to admit that he lost? Barbara Boxer is NOT mentioned in Wiki’s essay on election denialism, nor do they call her that on her profile page, yet: “On January 6, 2005, Boxer joined Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio) in filing a U.S. Congressional objection to the certification of Ohio's Electoral College votes in the 2004 U.S. presidential election. She called the objection her "opening shot to be able to focus the light of truth on these terrible problems in the electoral system". The Senate voted the objection down 74–1; the House voted the objection down 267–31. It was only the second Congressional objection to an entire State's electoral delegation in U.S. history; the first instance was in 1877.” Blake Masters, who ran for Senate in Arizona is not called an election denier, but it is implied, “Masters has echoed Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 presidential election was "stolen". In June 2021, Masters said that "it's really hard to know" the winner of the 2020 presidential election, and supported an audit of the vote in Maricopa County. In a November 2021 campaign ad, Masters stated he thought "Trump won in 2020.” This is said about Ted Cruz: “After the January 2021 Capitol attack, Cruz received widespread political and popular backlash for objecting to the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election and giving credence to the false claim that the election was fraudulent. Cruz backed a failed appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court attempting to overturn or nullify the 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania filed by U.S. Representative Mike Kelly, which argued that the Pennsylvania Constitution requires in-person voting except in narrow and defined circumstances; the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania had already rejected this argument. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up the case or issue an injunction and Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes were cast for Joe Biden. Cruz later led an effort by a group of Republican senators to refuse to count Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes, citing baseless allegations of fraud.”

Were Boxer’s claims baseless? What about Jim McGovern’s claims or Al Gore’s claims or Sheila Jackson Lee? What about Maxine Waters? Did her claims receive popular backlash? Were her claims false?

You can see how Wikipedia, America’s fact-free, heavily-edited “encyclopedia” treats Democrat election deniers with kid gloves, but when it comes to Ted Cruz, Kari Lake or Donald Trump, it’s different. Even Joe Biden has engaged in election denial, insinuating that Al Gore really won the 2000 POTUS sweepstakes, but they don’t mention it in the senile Senator’s profile. Why not? Lastly, Wikipedia’s essay on the so-called #INSURRECTION fails to mention all the protestors that got arrested at Donald Trump’s Inauguration, as well as all the violent demonstrations that broke out shortly after Hillary Clinton was defeated. I guess that was an Insurrection too, eh? But it’s not mentioned, why not?

Why did Wikipedia not mention all the false claims made by Democrats in November 2016 that emboldened their unemployed base to engage in domestic terrorism? For four years we listened to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Jimmy Carter, Hakeem Jeffries, fat Kamala Harris, John Lewis, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein, Marcia Fudge, Jamie Raskin, Sheila Jackson Lee, Ted Lieu, the overweight Jerry Nadler & a whole host of others. We listened to that bile for four years.

Wikipedia forgot to mention that.

My other videos on Democrat #electiondenial #electiondenier [Are Democrats guilty of an Insurrection by writing the Electoral College, telling them to be “faithless electors”?] #samseder #majorityreport

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