What if the CURE was this simple? Coming straight from the HEART.

7 months ago

#consciousawakening #spirituality #shadowwork

What if the cure for all our issues, problems and shadow work was as simple as connecting to source energy, prime creator, first cause from our heart vortexes. What if energy centre was the the nexus we needed to put our awareness, attention and intention into in order to remain the flow state, connect with higher beings and our higher nature and therefore be in the life stream of the planetary consciousness and the the cosmos?

Could it be that simple? I have a feeling it IS that simple and there are so many reasons why poets, singers and songwriters (thanks Bryan Adams) philosophers, sages and mystics all bring us back to awareness of the heart. It is not only the connective point where we plug into life itself, it is also a vehicle for deep alignment and energetic healing that enlivens the form and awakens the spirit within.

In my experience, by focusing my attention on the heart, and brining in my higher nature by doing the shadow work (making the room energetically) for that being to find its way into our lives more and interact with this paradigm I see how it has changed my flow state, my life experience and how I choose to respond to all that I create!

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